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Wacom Bamboo ceases to work upon launching KAG

Discussion in 'General Help' started by Chokladkakan, Apr 24, 2012.

  1. Chokladkakan

    Chokladkakan Catapult Fodder

    My interface device of choice is a (somewhat outdated) Wacom Bamboo graphics tablet which works properly at all times - until I tried playing King Arthur's Gold. It is frankly rather astounding: upon starting the client and signing in, a few minutes pass, after which the tablet either stops working entirely or its drivers aren't recognised anymore.
    At this point, the preference pane claims that the tablet is no longer connected.

    Either situation prompts a restart in order to have the computer recognise the tablet again.

    Further information for good measure:
    • The login page of KAG.app says I am using build 370.
    • I am using Mac OS X version 10.7.3.
    • The tablet is a Wacom Bamboo MTE-450.
    I am mildly unsettled - King Arthur's Gold appears to be an absolutely stellar gameā€¦ I am more than happy to produce any further information required; let me know.

    Thank you in advance.
  2. Downburst

    Downburst Mindblown Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Did you try deleting the wacom drivers and installing the newest drivers again?
  3. Chokladkakan

    Chokladkakan Catapult Fodder

    They are the most recent ones available, yes.
  4. FliesLikeABrick

    FliesLikeABrick THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    I have a tablet somewhere, I'll see if I have the same problem (not sure if it's wacom or not but we'll see what happens)
  5. Kyzak

    Kyzak Ballista Bolt Thrower Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    I used a Wacom Intuos3 for several months and didn't have any issues with KAG at all.
  6. FliesLikeABrick

    FliesLikeABrick THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    I tested my non-wacom tablet and haven't had any issues (though non-wacom doesn't help rule out much)
  7. Chokladkakan

    Chokladkakan Catapult Fodder

    Regardless, thanks for the effort, the two of you.