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White Square Glitch/annoying

Discussion in 'General Help' started by ryguy808, Apr 14, 2012.

  1. ryguy808

    ryguy808 Catapult Fodder

    HI.... I just downloaded KAG for My mac 10.6....

    I am experiencing a glitch, it seems there is a white square for a pointer (in place of the mouse icon I'm sure). It is very annoying, I was wondering if there was a file or something I could go into to change what the pointer icon looks like... Help would be GREAT THANKS


    Ummm, I think something is up with this, because I am getting white squares in place of some images

  2. Raron

    Raron KAG Guard Tester

    Beef likes this.
  3. ryguy808

    ryguy808 Catapult Fodder

    Okay... Sorry I havn't posted in a while... So I've been doing some research and I found that this is ONLY happening on Macs, I also found that it has nothing to do with Mac's GPU cards, so if ANYONE can give me SOMETHING to work with, is there anything I can edit in the KAG folder itself? Maybe a string I can change? I would be very grateful

  4. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    This isn't a Mac-only problem, it is related to outdated graphics card driver. Updating it could fix the issue.