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Shipwright, Female, from My cave.
Some people really need to be punched... That or kicked in the groin with a steel toed boot. Jul 24, 2014
- Nyxity was last seen:
- Aug 10, 2015
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I'm kind of slow in many ways. I've got a semi-lame wrist/hand so my movements are slow on Kag. So, the longer I play, the weaker it gets. I'm a high functioning autistic, but often don't quite get things off the bat.I also have a rather poor memory, so I might not remember you if you remember me. At the same time, I have special reserves for remembering those I hate, though.
I love playing Kag though. I'm not sure how much of an asset I am on various teams, but I think I make a pretty good builder... at least when it comes to buildings as opposed to shops. I'm better at demolition (against opposite team) though. Yosh!
I don't really care what team I'm on. I'll do my best to help out whatever side I am on at the time.I won't attack someone on the opposing side if they are dancing or completely trapped/helpless, though. Bad form.
Well, unless they begin attacking me.
Dumb asses I need to look out for:
Hopes to never encounter [INC] Demontime007 on Kag ever again.
Fluffykats is an annoying ass griefer who likes to kill NPCs, destroy bases and kill fellow players.
fhenrique a noob idiot who calls griefing and votes you out of the game if he doesn't understand your tactics.Interact
I am Nyxity of the Lamed Hand.