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Dirt doesn't need luck. Jan 17, 2016

WanderMark was last seen:
Jun 3, 2021
    1. Beef
      Do you remember Freddy Vs Jason in the cinemas a few years back? Well, in the comics, it was Freddy Vs Jason Vs Ash. And the internet went one better http://i.imgur.com/Eowwz.jpg
      1. WanderMark likes this.
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      3. WanderMark
        I watched Red Letter Media's review of Cabin in the Woods and I am intrigued! Sounds like a movie I would enjoy.

        Yeah, two is definitely my favourite. When I first saw the series I liked number three the most. It has its moments, but as you said, a bit too slap sticky.

        This is good when the slapstick is rather dark. Like when Ash swallows boiling water so that he can kill one of the Mini Ash, inside his stomach.
        May 7, 2012
      4. WanderMark
        Have you seen any of Peter Jackson's early work? Like Braindead or Bad Taste? Those are amazingly funny. Braindead or Dead Alive as it is called in NA is such a great gorefest.

        It is mostly slapstick, taken to the extreme. Tons of zombies, lawnmower. Need I say more?
        May 7, 2012
      5. WanderMark
        My brother showed me this movie without my parents consent when I was around the age of 12-14. Safe to say, it is not so much the movies that makes a person violent : )

        And yes, this feels like twitter.
        May 7, 2012
    2. sj67
    3. sj67
      1. WanderMark likes this.
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      3. sj67
        May 2, 2012
      4. sj67
        By the way, we have like 20 people here if you wanna hop in.
        May 2, 2012
      5. sj67
        May 3, 2012
    4. sj67
    5. Rambo
      This is my BOOM stick!
      1. Beef and WanderMark like this.
      2. WanderMark
        The twelve-gauge double-barreled Remington. S-Mart's top of the line!
        Apr 24, 2012
    6. TheDirtySwine
      Lovely Youtube Videos...Zombie Genocide is always so fun to watch...Perhaps when a solid zombie multiplayer gets up and running we could play together?
    7. CoolGreenApple
      I hope everything turns out okay!
    8. Sapirot
      Well, thats sad. I wish you good luck, life has its ups and downs, sometimes.

      So yeah, hope to see you around when you have dealt with life's quarrels
      1. WanderMark
        Thanks a lot. I really appreciate the thought. See you on the battlefield!
        Apr 12, 2012
    9. sj67
      Hopefully your 'personal issues' aren't too bad! Good luck. ;3
      1. justi01, Fellere825 and Shadlington like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. WanderMark
        Thanks a lot. Currently taking some time off at my brother's place! See you on the battlefield in 1-2 weeks!
        Apr 9, 2012
      4. Rayne
        a bit late, but i hope everything is working out for you.
        Apr 26, 2012
      5. WanderMark
        Oh yeah, things are just fine right now. Without going into too much details, it involved some sour family business. That is never a fun thing, but it is all well now.

        Thanks for the comment though : ]
        Apr 26, 2012
    10. Raron
      1. View previous comments...
      2. WanderMark
        The devs, the community, everyone is just so damn awesome. I couldn't ask for anything better really.

        I want to cover this game in as many ways as humanly possible, because I think it deserves that.

        Apr 12, 2012
      3. Hella
        I'm guessing that, in this situation, I am the person refered to as 'everyone'?
        Apr 12, 2012
      4. WanderMark
        Perhaps, however, I am going to keep that a secret.
        Apr 12, 2012
    11. sj67
      Nice vids on youtube bro. Maybe I can show you the fun of Gregs one day. ;3

      Keep it up. ^-^
      1. WanderMark
        Thank you! It warms the cockles of my heart.

        Gregs aren't that very nice though! They hurt you, it is not a pleasant experience getting picked off then dropped towards your doom!

        But they are still fun. Painful fun.
        Apr 4, 2012
      2. sj67
        Yeah, too bad they got removed, but Rayne can get em back. We should talk, you got skype/mumble?
        Apr 7, 2012
    12. SonicSonic
      Hey, I saw you making videos about KAG on YouTube. :3 You're really great. XD
      1. CheeseMeister
        This is very true.
        Apr 3, 2012
      2. WanderMark
        Thank you for those kind words which I feed upon. Without them I would starve. And if I would starve there would be no more D :

        No more me...
        Then there is nothing left, at least not out from my perspective. But I wont have a perspective because I will be gone D :

        Oh noes!
        Apr 4, 2012
      3. CheeseMeister
        I hope you never starve! D:
        Apr 4, 2012
    13. Raron
      If i kiss you do you turn into a princess?

      1. View previous comments...
      2. WanderMark
        Also, is this your way of asking me out on a date? Because I can already tell you this much. Yes, I will marry you. Let's get this party started!

        Mar 27, 2012
      3. Raron
        Let me think of a good answer for that.
        Mar 27, 2012
      4. Raron
        After a bit of thinking i decided to apply for our semi-not-bro marrige....My swamplord will contact yours
        Mar 27, 2012
    14. Galen
      Howdy! :D
      1. WanderMark

        What brings you here? Is it because you want to play on my super nintendo? Because you may play on my super nintendo if you would so desire.

        We could play stuff like...King of Dragons and alike! It will be a blast!
        Mar 27, 2012
      2. Galen
        Ehh snes..... well, had nice times with it :D Itze me! xD
        Mar 27, 2012
    15. Fellere825
      1. WanderMark
        Oh, I was actually planning to do that! I am absolutley sure about doing when it is hosted on an European server, maybe when hosted on a North American one.

        Do you people have anything in mind? Any specifics? With or with commentary. Montage? Or maybe I should just record from start to finish, nothing fancypantsy.
        Mar 19, 2012
      2. Fellere825
        Its up to your own discretion. Just have fun with it. We are giving you artistic freedom. Also a warning the European Event is not a European Server per say, seeing as we were unable to acquire a European server but it will be hosted in the Eastern US so ping should not be horrible. Sorry if that brought any confusion.
        Mar 19, 2012
    16. PumpkingSlice
      Heyo Mark :) I was wondering if every weekend or fortnight you want to do group videos for your youtube channel to help it out a little because I know how much you like to do it with friends and not alone (Got it from your video that information ;) :P) And maybe some zombies when it comes to multi player. Just a suggestion thats all :)
    17. PumpkingSlice
      Why the horse stuff mark :D that is going to linger for a while you know....
      1. WanderMark
        I am just sharing life memories here! I wasn't the one that started with all the sexual innuendos. I tried to teach people, share my experiences! Or something in that general direction.

        Then people comes around messing up my epic tales! Sad, but oh so awesome, day.

        ; D
        Mar 4, 2012
      2. PumpkingSlice
        well we can't have everything perfect can we now :P I also agree today has been great apart from the weather here. The clan is coming along very nicely and we are gaining a bit of fame :) Looks like we have to plan things for the future of this clan because it looks like it is going to grow quite large.
        Mar 4, 2012
    18. PumpkingSlice
      Is that coffee?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. PumpkingSlice
        Sorry about that :P
        Mar 3, 2012
      3. WanderMark
        In before Catguy comes around checking my grammar.

        Had it in store...*
        Mar 3, 2012
      4. PumpkingSlice
        Well Catguy is just mean in my opinion :P
        Mar 3, 2012
    19. Mulpy
      hey Wander, I just wanted to let you know that I'm making some kick-ass maps for the clan. Expect the "Brover" (hehe Bro, Server) to be up within a month(s). If you have any suggestions our things you want or to add, tell meh, and I'll make 'em. :hammer: :cool:
      ~ Mulpy
      1. WanderMark likes this.
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      3. WanderMark
        That's amazingly awesome if you could pull something like this off. Eternally grateful if you do fix a server. Just one thing, don't feel forced to do it!

        I will ignore the icons = )
        Feb 28, 2012
      4. Mulpy
        haha thank god. It took me a while to understand the RGB codes for colors and certain files and stuff, but its going clean as a whistle now. Except for loading the maps, heard it's a pain in the butt. I think I'll call it somethin like
        [Bro] Spelunker Visi§narie's Ruins or something. There's gonna be a lot of castle ruins and tunnels :3
        Feb 28, 2012
      5. WanderMark
        Sounds delicious! By the way, if you are not too busy, would it be possible to check in on Skype for a minute or two right now?

        : D
        Feb 28, 2012
    20. Rommi
      Good luck with your clan!
      1. WanderMark
        Thanks a lot. We've put in much thought and effort into it so naturally we are really excited about the whole thing.
        Jan 13, 2012