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Sep 3, 2011
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Melbourne, Australia
KAG Developer


Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead), Male, from Melbourne, Australia

THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

Thanks for the birthday wishes folks - and sorry for the inactivity of the past weeks. We're moving house, hopefully settled by next week! Jan 17, 2018

    1. Monkey_Feats
      I heard from a bird there's a new update in the making, so here's me bugging you to not forget about the particle config, cheers.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Geti
        I'd like to add the ability to edit textures so people could make their own "team recolour" system and so the skin colour system could be implemented in scripts, but currently all of that is "very ugly" and I don't want to undertake days of work for something that has a fairly obvious workaround.
        Sep 26, 2016
      3. Geti
        You could make an external texture recolouring script (for example, there's a few half-decent png modules for node.js) to ease the workload of recolouring any sprite edits made.
        Sep 26, 2016
      4. Monkey_Feats
        Oct 28, 2016
    2. asger75
      Melbourne, the word no cool aussie has ever said... QUEENSLANDER QUEENSLANDER QUEENSLANDER
      1. View previous comments...
      2. asger75
        Melbourne is full of pussies, Brisbane is the where all the real convicts are at, fite me, I'm feeling edgy.
        Sep 14, 2016
      3. Geti
        Watch out u might get cut :V
        Sep 15, 2016
      4. asger75
        erhh nerrhhh... teh edge is 2 shurp, what do I do? :<
        Sep 15, 2016
    3. spiller0809
      Geti are you going to fix trench run?
      1. PussyDestroyer
        NEWAH !!!!!
        Sep 1, 2016
      2. Geti
        It's definitely on the list. This week most folks are out of the office though at PAX and I've been swamped with press from the LD game I made.
        Sep 2, 2016
    4. asger75
      Hey geti, I dunno if you're gonna say no to rubble or whatever, but I swear if you say no I'll learn to code or whatever, basically just tell me where I can get the old code for rubble
      1. Geti
        The old code for rubble isn't compatible with current KAG. It'd need to be re-done with map scripts.
        Sep 2, 2016
    5. EhRa
      What's that? Someone wanted some spam? ^:D
      1. View previous comments...
      2. asger75
        SCCCOOOOOOTTTLLLLAAANNNNDDDD FOORRRREEEVVVVVERRRR!!!!! jk I'm Aussie, please don't hurt me ;-;
        Aug 11, 2016
      3. Geti
        Notifications are flooded anyway, go for it
        Aug 12, 2016
      4. asger75
        :o Geti overlord you kind man
        Aug 12, 2016
    6. FuzzyBlueBaron
      Thought your title needed a facelift. <3

      Also, since I'm back in dodge again we should catch up some time (is there are preferred time of day/week for catching you on IRC these days?). :3
      1. Geti
        Yeah been a little out of date for a while.

        I'm on IRC most weekdays, just been too busy for it today. Work hours are safest bet.
        Jul 13, 2016
    7. 101i
      So with Overwatch recently released, Jeff Kaplan (the game director) is incredibly active on their forums/community discussion. Which just reminded me of you so I felt the need to come say hey.

      Hey. :)
      1. Geti
        Glad to hear they're being transparent about dev. Hi there!
        Jul 1, 2016
    8. PUNK123
      pUnk: RUDE
      pUnk: the first and 2nd one look pretty pretty ingame
      pUnk: but youll never play kag cuz u a fag
      Critical Slayer: no
      Critical Slayer: because its a jew game
      Critical Slayer: for jew people
      Critical Slayer: who have shekels
      Critical Slayer: my shekels were stolen
      pUnk: im telling geti on u
      Critical Slayer: geti?
      Critical Slayer: moms spaghetti?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. PUNK123
        it's the internet what can you do. Atleast he is a closet insensitive asshole and puts on the facade of nice in real life.
        Jun 20, 2016
      3. jimster6000
        ^ Sadly, the Internet in a nutshell
        Jun 20, 2016
      4. PUNK123
        Jun 21, 2016
      geti can u make me a deadpool head pls?
      1. bunnie
        @8x Please deadpool
        Sorry m8 i couldnt stand it
        Jun 4, 2016
      2. Geti
        nope sorry
        Jun 20, 2016
    10. PUNK123
      So i finally found a reason to blame you for the wiki being trash. Every update changes the game and makes the wiki obsolete. Even in the good you do bad. #blamegeti2016
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Clev
        Jun 1, 2016
      3. PUNK123
        Can you make my life alot easier geti. How to i tell the health of a mob. How do i find stuff like that in the kag code.
        Jun 2, 2016
      4. Geti
        HP of anything is just blob.getHealth() - just read through the scripts and you should see a lot of this sort of stuff. Get an editor that can search all files (sublime) and you'll have a much easier time http://i.imgur.com/SVbKeRS.png
        Jun 20, 2016
    11. an_obamanation
      That moment when Geti starts hunting you down with a bow and arrow for ratting and shoots down a long narrow corridor right into your rectum ;-;
      1. Geti
        good feel
        bad feel when emoji are banned here though
        May 20, 2016
      2. an_obamanation
    12. Achillios
      Just watched the 30 month kag video :)
      Thought it was very inspiring and highly interesting.
      I can only imagine what kag would be like if you kept all of the original ideas and concepts.
      Thanks for an awesome game, one that not only has given me hope in Australian game devs but also made me skip some homework to play a match or two in a laggy ass US server xD
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Geti
        Glad to hear it helped, sorry you were in a sad place.

        Ajax; no worries. Hard to overstate how appreciated positive feedback is considering how much negative comes. We keep in mind that most people wont post if they're happy, but it helps to have a cheerful post every now and again too.
        May 16, 2016
      3. Geti
        Re: transmigration - I'm not involved with it at all. There's been a lot of scope changes recently afaik, you'd have to get in touch with the other devs. If you send something to the contact email i'm sure you'd get a response back :)
        May 16, 2016
      4. bunnie
        "skip some homework to play a match or two in a laggy ass US server xD" kag anti-educational confirmed, u need to make it 18+ gatu!111!!111one1
        May 16, 2016
    13. PUNK123
      What type of pleb names something Back Stone Wall and Back Wood Wall. Ur baide and it isnt just because i made a pleb move editing para's already created threads named after the ingame block(>:^()
      1. View previous comments...
      2. PUNK123
        May 23, 2016
      3. PUNK123
        My personal issue with the wki is the account bs that usually cuts people off from helping. Also the ugliness of the front page makes me cry. Also i made my first map, thoughts?:http://prnt.sc/b77zqd
        May 23, 2016
      4. Geti
        (note: i responded to your thread before looking here - i read the forums you dont have to deliberately draw my attn everywhere)
        May 23, 2016
    14. Blue_Tiger
      16:46 - Willige Ficksau: geti is gay
      16:46 - Willige Ficksau: gayti

      thats redshadow6 btw, would ban himf or life if i were u tbh fam
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Redshadow6
        follow 4 follow?
        May 9, 2016
      3. PUNK123
        (takes this profile post for glory)How do i "enlarge" one of your pixel sprites in gimp. Atm im raging at the trash wiki and it is winning.
        May 10, 2016
      4. Geti
        set it to use nearest-neighbour/no filtering on upscale, make sure it's an exact multiple of the original image size. I think gimp calls it "resize image" or similar.
        May 12, 2016
    15. toughguy1380
      Welp, looks like KAG got itself a HUGE. Fucking. Bug. Not just a normal huge fucking bug a fucking bug like that one in that one survival game where the sky had gabens face on it yeah except even fucking worse I mean lke stuff like huge #%@# flying ridiculous !@$^ gibs and @$#^&! flying archers and frickin shit like that i mean like fucking ridiculous
      1. View previous comments...
      2. kasra345
        The amount of swearing was unneeded, but i guess i overreacted myself.
        Apr 26, 2016
      3. bunnie
        I think it was fucking supposed to have "fucking" fucking everywhere. Also, fucking is a very fucking good word. That's my fucking opinion.
        Apr 26, 2016
      4. kasra345
        Fair enough.
        Apr 27, 2016
    16. Warcrime
      Congrats on the new game release ^_^
      Just got back into KAG and i'll be sure to check out TR as well.
      Definitely should have a game together at some point :)
      1. Geti
        Hey, another year another name I guess ;)

        Glad to see you back, give TR a whirl while there's anybody playing it - we're honestly not sure how long it's gonna stay populated at this rate.
        Apr 24, 2016
      2. PeggleFrank
        Damn, way to be pessimistic.
        Apr 26, 2016
    17. an_obamanation
      Play more KAG pls
      1. Geti
        Got a lot more on my plate than you might think, but new build coming pretty damn soon either way.
        Apr 21, 2016
      2. an_obamanation
        No I know you got tons on your plate, this is the kag community we're talking about here. I'm just giving more demands cuz i'm a whiny turd ;D
        Apr 21, 2016
    18. Yagger
      hey m8, you should follow me.

      you wont do it.

      just like when we told you you were too pussy to release TR.

      try me.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Vamist
      3. Geti
        huehue something something the internet
        following is for chumps
        Apr 21, 2016
      4. Yagger
        Apr 21, 2016
    19. piercebob
      G'day fellow aussie Trench run is mint but none of our kind are ever on is there any events or things like that im missing? im cold and alone and need a drink or two with a dev and some Blokes!
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Geti
        My steam notifications thing is very full so i cant promise anything :( If I'm on IRC or similar though hopefully someone will ping me :) Would be happy to play with you!
        Apr 21, 2016
      3. piercebob
        Apr 21, 2016
      4. piercebob
        Apr 21, 2016
    20. EhRa
      10/10 job on Trench Run, easily my favourite game at the moment.
      1. Geti
        Glad to hear you're enjoying it, not if only you could trick the world ;)
        Apr 21, 2016
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    Home Page:
    Melbourne, Australia
    KAG Developer