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Sep 12, 2011
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Louisiana, United States


KAG Guard, Male, from Louisiana, United States


hi goys Dec 15, 2014

    1. ShapeShifterMike
      can u get vamoost to host ssk?
      ik u said u have connection problems.
    2. toughguy1380
      wat happen 2 super smash knights.

      Lemme Smash ;)
      1. FoxyLady
    3. Eebone
      Is WizardWars_v30.2 an official update? It's not in the official updates thread, but I have (corrupted) files for WizardWars_v30.2 and WizardWars_Music. Do you (or anyone, really) have some non-corrupted files? I really loved the mod, and it's so agonising that I can't smite my enemies with lightning.
      1. Vamist
        I've got the official wizard war server up. Crispin gave me permission to host the mod. The correct version is V30.2_Fixed. So go and enjoy playing the mod i guess.
        May 12, 2017
      2. Eebone
        May 12, 2017
    4. ShapeShifterMike
      Hey Chrispin, I noticed that me and a few others have had a glitch on your Wizard Wars mod that causes the f1 key to stop functioning. not sure why this happens, but i can't swap class anymore.
    5. Learner
      Question: From your Wizard Wars servers, what was the thing that allowed the shops to spawn in the game? Whenever I locally play your mod against bots, I always notice that the shops don't spawn.
      1. Chrispin
        Make sure the gamemode is set to "WW" in the autoconfig.cfg file maybe? If that doesn't work then use "TDM"
        Sep 8, 2016
      2. Chrispin
        BTW there is no proper bot AI for WIzard Wars, so it's only good for testing purposes at best
        Sep 8, 2016
      3. Learner
        TDM seems to work fine. Got mounted bows, nukes, and everything here. (Thanks for that btw!)

        And yea... the bots may be REALLY dumb... (like on any map that has spikes... or a pit... wide ground... if there's more then just 1 because then they'll just kill each other...), but it's literally all I can do to get my fill of the mod while the server isn't up.
        Sep 8, 2016
    6. AVSManfred
      Hey Chrispin, not sure if you remember me, some time ago we played together on server with one of your mods, but i'm not here for talking about past, i wanted to ask you bout one thing, more excatly abour Wizard Wars Music, let me say, songs are nice and all but i would like to know where this songs are from and know their exact nameing, do you have some sort of list of them or something like that ?
      1. Chrispin
        you can see all the music files and their names somewhere in the KAG/Mods/WizardWars_Music folder. it's not the full names of the songs but it should be enough to look them up on the google.

        I don't have the mod available to me right now to tell you what they are off hand
        Aug 22, 2016
      2. Chrispin
        I CAN tell you there are songs from Mario Kart remixes, Super Smash Bros, Ace Attorney, Star Fox, Log Horizon
        Aug 22, 2016
      3. Chrispin
        lets not forget Guile theme too from Street Fighter
        Aug 22, 2016
    7. EhRa
      I feel sorry for you, having your profile spammed by @ryderfive instead of him just commenting on his posts. ^:D
      1. Chrispin
        hhhhhhhh it hurts my eyes!!!!!
        Aug 9, 2016
    8. ryderfive
      if you dont add this spell
      i will find you
      i will suicide
      and i will get a teammate to revive me as a greg
      and git u.
      1. Chrispin
        Aug 9, 2016
    9. ryderfive
      plus counter spell really does a number on zombies and can wipe out hordes in mere seconds.

      -Ryder your best Wizard Wars player.
    10. ryderfive
      give vamist the super smash bros mod and i feel as if this spell might need changes in the future after testing

      and that the necromancer class needs more spells as the wizard has all the good offensive spells the necromancer is just kind stuck there with a few lesser spells that dont do much damage making him really dependent on his teammates to distract the enemies so that he can spawn zombies
    11. ryderfive
      the spell is like like leech and lighting in terms of speed

      the spell ready time is a teleport spell and a half

      using the spell casts the victim into the air 5 blocks and the player cant move or counter spell

      the spell duration is 3 seconds

      This Spell is only avaible to necromancers

      side notes
    12. ryderfive

      Has a 20 block range

      spell cannot be used through walls or doors

      the spell is INSTANT like lightning

      the cursor must be EXACTLY on the player you wish to cast it on

      if you cast the spell without the cursor ontop of the player it will still Cost you

      spell mana cost is 30
    13. tallen_clinton
      Sometimes I like to talk about nonsense on peoples forum pages for amusement, and on rare occasion I will say something constructive and interesting "0.49 drop chance". if I'm not online for a long time then it means I'm going through a trans-dimensional black hole generated microwave radiation liquidation wyrm hole tunnel with bad reception cause Telstra won't let me borrow a phone tower to put on my war tank.
    14. tallen_clinton
      The force of nature spell was just amazing, the leech spell had me saying in a gothic voice "and now young kaggits, you die" and the Lightning had great damage though I thought it would be kind of like the leech spell but more damage and without the vampiric life steal, not called from the sky, maybe a yellow version projected from the body for the Energy spell.
    15. Vamist
      Chrispin, I'm hosting your mod Wizard Wars (29) until your server comes back up, Is that okay with you :^?
      1. Chrispin
        Sure thing! My computa auto updated while I was away. I'll be deving the mod so it might be a while before I get it back up tho
        May 27, 2016
    16. tallen_clinton
      While walking through some sort of volcanic forest on the moon in eastern Europe I found your profile on a sticky note from a pc on a clipboard. +rep has played Nox ++rep has a great server, and contrary to unpopular belief, I'm always mad. *neutral-rep needs to play dark souls.
      1. Chrispin
        More like gay souls!

        I like your profile description. It's very Dante's Steampunky Modern Warfare Inferno
        May 26, 2016
      2. Chrispin
        Just added Force of Nature, Lightning, and Leech spells. ya gotta come play m8
        Jun 4, 2016
    17. ryderfive
      Chris are u still alive?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. ryderfive
        you know any way to contact chrispin? iv been messageing him on steam and i cant get him.
        Apr 4, 2016
      3. Chrispin
        no I'm dead sorry guys :/
        Apr 7, 2016
      4. Vamist
        Apr 7, 2016
    18. ryderfive
      BTW add my spell! >:C
      1. Chrispin
        What was it again?????
        May 26, 2016
    19. ryderfive
      Cool profile picture it makes me think of KFC.
    20. buck_eats_toast
      Welp like 4-5 years since I met Chrispin, still the same profile picture. And Yes, Yes I am mad.

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    Louisiana, United States


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