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Jul 9, 2014
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JiXttg4ZFqE Jun 29, 2018

Pirate-Rob was last seen:
Jul 27, 2022
    1. joshua12131415
      MBU needs more ways to dance
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Pirate-Rob
        MadeByUs, my mod I'm currently working on
        Dec 14, 2016
      3. epsilon
        You mean the Nude Mod? >:D
        Dec 14, 2016
      4. Pirate-Rob
        :L Yes
        Dec 14, 2016
    2. platy1knight
      Rob add some , ahem ;) in your new mod so that dead people spawn as babies <:)
      1. ShamWow-SuperRag
        What is that emote at the end.... Were you trying to go for a guy with a dunce cap?
        Dec 14, 2016
      2. Pirate-Rob
        lol, if I do decide to add reproducing eventually, it'll be a long ways off. I need to add beds, lie down animations, players properly dying, the actual act itself, ect. Lotta work to do first before you can sex the others.
        Dec 14, 2016
    3. JackMcDaniels
      Do you have any plans for both a food/hunger mechanic and whatever that slowdown thing was like on RoS?

      p-please don't add those mechanics, t-thanks ;_;
      1. JackMcDaniels
        This is regarding the MadeByUs mod. I feel that the constant need for food subtracted from the fun/discovery aspects of RoS as you had to make sure you didn't end up starving or turning into a snail, didn't play it much though after that update so i may have missed sumin.
        Dec 13, 2016
      2. Pirate-Rob
        Yeah, I completely agree. Though, I eventually changed food to not slow down. Food only had benefits/buffs and no downsides to being hungry in the end of RoS, which I may add to MBU (so it's not mandatory, just fun).
        Dec 13, 2016
      3. Pirate-Rob
        The cold mechanic was added to RoS to encourage people to not just build big stone castles as a base, so people would use wooden flooring/walls/cieling. And so that rain actually had an effect. Good idea in theory, bad idea in practice, cause everyone was either too lazy or didn't know.
        Dec 13, 2016
    4. borisvanmemes
      What are your rules on letting people host your mods?
      1. Pirate-Rob
        Request which mod you wanna host via pm. I generally won't allow non-dedicated servers. RoS is off-limits for the foreseeable future. Some of the mods I'm planning to rewrite and don't want the old version up. As I said, pm and ask.
        Dec 13, 2016
      2. borisvanmemes
        RoS in specific but since it's off-limits for the foreseeable future none Edit i forgot to ask but why is RoS off-limits for the foreseeable future?
        Dec 13, 2016
      3. Vamist
        RoS is off-limits because it's buggy, people tend to bug pirate-rob a lot more about fixing it. Server will crash a lot, can also freeze, meaning keep alive scripts may not work. It also means new people could see how buggy RoS really is, so at this moment in time, its not the best thing to host.
        Dec 13, 2016
    5. BarsukEughen555
    6. Pirate-Rob
      1. Mazey
        Dec 12, 2016
      2. Pirate-Rob
        Dec 12, 2016
      3. epsilon
        Looking good :)
        Dec 12, 2016
    7. Pirate-Rob
      1. View previous comments...
      2. epsilon
        wtf is happening in the second pic?
        Dec 12, 2016
      3. joshua12131415
        1000 players on ros!!! wooohooo- oh wait, it hasn't happened yet ):
        Dec 12, 2016
      4. joshua12131415
        @eps0003 if you haven't played the mod... gold floats. if you put it inside the inventory of a player or object, it makes them float too. How high it floats depends on the amount of gold. Other than that, it's just ctf with maps that have huge.. holes that go to the void, forcing us to use floating boats and grappling knights
        Dec 12, 2016
    8. asger75
      Barsook stoerp bullyin my.
      1. BarsukEughen555
        Dec 10, 2016
    9. asger75
      heyrobcan you teach me how topixelart XDXDXDDlolololol yee it mite be hurdtho cuz I live in china and inchina we cant read teh engrish so id like atleast maybe5 paragraphs so thanks rob bye
      1. BarsukEughen555
        Dec 10, 2016
      2. BarsukEughen555
        Dec 10, 2016
      3. BarsukEughen555
        Dec 10, 2016
    10. dredonkey
      Oh ok well thanks anyways :p.
      1. Pirate-Rob
        No problem mate
        Dec 10, 2016
    11. dredonkey
      rob if you could give me paragraphs of information on how to mod ever in a conversation why you would have to do it like that is because i live in the us and you live some were else i think... SO YA but it would be realy nice and helpfull i dont care if you ant would be cool though bye bye
      1. Pirate-Rob
        Sorry, while I'd like to help, I'm not sure what information I could give you that's helpful. I also don't like doing lotsa writing. When you send messages, try using capitals and periods, would make it a lot easier to read.
        Dec 9, 2016
    12. Pirate-Rob
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Pirate-Rob
        Well, he was a prince at some point in the past surely?
        Dec 8, 2016
      3. epsilon
        Is this some sort of automation mod? Looks interesting, what is it?
        Dec 8, 2016
      4. Pirate-Rob
        It's part of TC, it's literally what you said, it's automation. I was bored of buying ammo with coins so I made a way to automatically make it~
        Dec 8, 2016
    13. zable
      does tflipy have a account on here i would like to follow him
      1. joshua12131415
        Dec 7, 2016
      2. Pirate-Rob
        Yep, he does, just remember he doesn't always check the forums, so if he's taking long to respond, don't worry.
        Dec 7, 2016
      3. zable
        Thanks guys
        Dec 10, 2016
    14. Pirate-Rob
      Where's the code in kag that removes a player's blob when they leave? Struggling to find it.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Pirate-Rob
        I don't think that's it, I'm talking about when a player leaves a server, their blob disappears from existence.
        Dec 6, 2016
      3. Monkey_Feats
        you sure it isn't line 29? getRules().server_PlayerDie(this.getPlayer());
        Dec 7, 2016
      4. Pirate-Rob
        Nah, that code only procs if you take lethal damage, so it's not what I'm looking for, but thanks anyway :)
        Dec 7, 2016
    15. AlmightyHelixFossil
      Did I just get banned from the discord for changing my name and profile picture to match yours?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. AlmightyHelixFossil
        I can't go 8 more hours without the KAG discord Rob.

        I'll die Rob.
        Nov 23, 2016
      3. Pirate-Rob
        It took all my willpower to unban you, but there it is :P
        Nov 24, 2016
      4. Turtlebutt
        Plz rob i been ded for 2 lyftimes
        Nov 24, 2016
    16. Pirate-Rob
      *deletes manual to regenerate it* *starts kag* *no manual* ...oops
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Pirate-Rob
        Ye, I went and forceupdated and tried localhost and the file generated properly, so woot. doc.kag2d works for me, so I'm not sure why it doesn't for you :o
        Nov 23, 2016
      3. norill
        you gotta exit kag from menu. if you kill it, it wont generate it
        Nov 23, 2016
      4. Pirate-Rob
        Ye, dunno why it didn't work the first time, both times I used local host and second time worked.
        Nov 23, 2016
    17. borisvanmemes
      Hey are you ever going to update RoS again?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. kiaran
        also, could i host a rros server publicly? (i don't care if you say no, i will just host a private server)
        Nov 21, 2016
      3. Pirate-Rob
        No, you may not.
        Nov 21, 2016
      4. kiaran
        Nov 21, 2016
    18. asger75
      boo, you scared rob. <--- grammar changed that sentence into a dramatic plot twist
    19. joshua12131415
    20. farhhanshafi
      Just wanted to say, Rob you are a fantastic guy.
      1. Pirate-Rob
        Aw, thanks mate :)
        Nov 10, 2016
      2. cesar0
        Huehuehue watch him edit that into some kind of insult
        Nov 10, 2016
      3. joshua12131415
        still waiting ); *rob silently takes a screen shot of this while he can*
        Nov 17, 2016