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Last Activity:
Dec 2, 2022
Jul 27, 2012
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My discord: https://discord.me/lgs Jul 14, 2018

Leo was last seen:
Dec 2, 2022
    1. Leo
    2. Snake19
      Leo and these server are back on kag ? Best kag news :)
    3. Leo
    4. bunnie
      come back to kag
    5. AgentHightower
      Welcome back to the forums leo. :^
    6. BindNation
      Hey! Can you restart the server for me? Sent my custom head in and I think it's been accepted. :)
      1. Leo
        I restart them once a day, morning, EU time.
        Jun 11, 2017
      2. BindNation
        What happened to the "blowjob" mod on your server?
        Jun 20, 2017
    7. AgentHightower
      ey, How's it going? :P
    8. Biurza
      Back :)?
      1. Leo
        For a while, find Blood and Glory EU
        May 1, 2017
      2. Biurza
        Good news ^^
        May 1, 2017
    9. icemusher
      Man, it must suck for all of the comments on your page are for admins or bans. Thanks for hosting BD, had some great times.
      1. RadioActive
        Haha, it does not suck! He was asked that for the last 10 years (or even more) and still is. He loves it.
        Jan 18, 2016
      2. RadioActive
        I just wish Unturned is as good and enjoyable as KAG :|
        Jan 18, 2016
    10. king-george
      :/ I really enjoyed your servers...
    11. Superblackcat
      <3. Thanks for all you've done Leo.
    12. Mazey
      could you release the ranks mod? website too (js/ranks part at least)?
      1. Leo
    13. Withror
      So are you RIPing?
    14. veronartdoob
      1. Vamist
        I have screenshots of super copying his name in tdm, with veroartdoob in the game as well
        Oct 13, 2015
      2. RadioActive
        Oct 13, 2015
    15. SharkT
      Chickenleg2 was votekicked out by one of Your Admins, Mediveal. He went on a greifeing spree, then tried to vote kickout Chickenleg when he called it.
      Then he countuined to say he would be banned if he started to play on BlackDeath servers. I require atleast that you kick him out of his admin posistion or an explanation of what is going on.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. PUNK123
        chickenleg that is*

        honestly no fist saw what happened and i didnt either. I dont feel it is fair to just listen to them because they will automatically come to chicken's defense.
        Sep 7, 2015
      3. PUNK123
        Honestly i dont like medieval but i feel like this claim has zero merit
        Sep 7, 2015
      4. SharkT
        Chickenleg showed the logs, it bascially was Medieval or someone else. Tough that's Chickenlegs problem he can carry With it to Leo forums where he can propely explain the situation.
        Sep 8, 2015
    16. bunnie
      Will contact diprog for you. I have him on steam...

      mfw, because i hosted FUN before but diprog told me to stop because i had an argument with him about flour ;-;.
      1. Leo
        Tell him to find me at #kag.leo if he has any questions.
        Jul 17, 2015
    17. JediOfTheReich
      Your servers were a big part of kag, and you had the only good US West server in existence :(. Hope to see the devs fix the problems, and your servers back up again, otherwise I think a good part of the playerbase is gone.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Leo
        Sorry, I will not support with my servers and with my money this dev team, in kag or ANY other game they"ll make in future.
        Jun 30, 2015
      3. Leo
        Fuck this, I changed my mind :P
        Jul 9, 2015
      4. PUNK123
        Jul 11, 2015
    18. Wh1tef4ng
      Hi Leo ive been playing on your servers for alongtime as they seem to be the best out there but now it seems Ive been Perm Banned by a admin (RA) at the time i was unaware of what they wanted to build there but then told not asked to stop the manner of there asking got me abit angry but i left them to it a short time after i put one block over a hole which fair enough maybe i deserved a temp ban sure but not perm
      1. RadioActive
        Permbanned - lol. You left while frozen so you got auto-banned for 30 minutes. I told you at least twice to stop building and ruin my trap. You finally stopped after I rebuilt it for the 3rd time. When I was out of stone and when I jumped to the cave, you blocked me in. And I well know it was intended.
        I unbanned you account, but next time if I see you blocking anyone else, you'll be banned for a day or longer.
        Jun 16, 2015
      2. RadioActive
        Also this is what you need to know:
        - Kegs / bombs does not work on dirt
        - Spikes dropped from a height of 8+ blocks insta-kill enemies.
        Go and read about some traps and builder related stuff before you piss someone else off.
        Jun 16, 2015
      3. PUNK123
        radioactive is the worst builder ever. Anything whitfang did only helped his team
        Jul 2, 2015
    19. PUNK123
      dont h8 m8
    20. AmestriStephen
      Leo dont worry about KAG, the game will have its little community even in 1 year so yea :D be positive ;3
      1. PUNK123
        it is always nice to see things through other's perspectives, ame
        May 12, 2015
      2. AmestriStephen
        i know but we are talkin in general about the game. His servers will always have some people in it, so that isnt the main thing to worry about.
        May 12, 2015
      3. AmestriStephen
        btw talkin about that hate against you, leo. No worries about all those fuckers who cant see the situation in your POV. You did an amazing job with the servers and im really grateful for that. <3 In my opinion haters can just fuck off. Thanks a lot mate about everything <3
        May 12, 2015