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Camera Wobble 0.1

Makes the camera shake horizontally to the left or right

  1. Strathos
    This will move the camera to the left or right and then back to the starting point.
    Useful if you need to give some kind of visual feedback for an action, such as pushing/activating something.

    Usage: add CamWobble.as to your class.cfg scripts array (for example under RunnerDeath.as).

    To make the camera wobble, on your script do:
    CBlob.set_f32( "camWobble", dir );
    dir = -0.1f to wobble to the left;
    dir = 0.1f to wobble to the right.
    CBlob is a reference to your player blob!

    You can set the speed and length of the wobble inside CamWobble.as