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Capture The Princess (CTF Modded/Expanded) v0.974

Princesses, Airplanes, Bombers, factories.

  1. CTP v0.94 Tech Update

    I added some tech that will improve the machine gun, bazooka and airships.
    For mid-late game to eliminate stalemates.
    Tech goes like this:
    1. Machine Gun Upgrade (1000 gold)
    Now machine guns hold 60 bullets per reload.
    2. Bazooka Upgrade (1250 gold)
    Bazookas fire 2 missiles simultaneously double the damage, double the fun, lets see the enemy pilots evade this!
    3. Bomber Upgrade (1500 gold)
    Bomber holds 2 heavy bombs per reload instead of 1, doing double the damage and destruction. So now 3 bombers hovering over the princess's head will have the power of 6.
    Tech available from the vehicle workshop:

    I have also nerfed the bazooka a bit, so you dont die when you aim up and explode, also you can fire with the bazooka at the edge of the block without problems.
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