Edit 7/30/15: I have been informed the pack needs updated for the latest builds of KAG, my life is currently too busy to work on this so if anyone wants to do it for me they are free to do so, try to get in contact with me so that I may upload the update and credit you in this post.
King Arthur's Cold is a very basic retexture to make the game look cold and snowy! Things such as wooden objects have their colors toned down to appear colder, there is no such thing as grass, plants are covered in snow, and the mod even adds snow piling up and stone blocks freezing over!
Installation: Read README! Note: Mod is server side!
Texturepack is, for the most part, completed!
Mod Credit goes to the great Eanmig! Check his mods out!
Hope you all enjoy! Please leave a comment, rating, and maybe even a review! Thanks for checking out this texture!
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King Arthur's Cold - The Winter Texturepack 1.3
Wars aren't always fought during Summer, Winter has come and the battles are chilling!
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