Alright, took me a little bit longer to get this small update out, but whatever here it is, enjoy
Few little bugs are now gone, additional guns are now purchasable. Default mapcycle has been changed to include only ONE map, which gives players the ability to test all the guns and the basics mechanics of the game.
Included some additional scores and such on HUD, based off redux zombie code.
I'll try and make some more maps, that don't actually suck in the upcoming week or so.
- Thursday, 02/10/14, Finished Mp5 Bench and added to BasePNGLoader
- Finished Cz75Auto, no work bench.
- Finished Colt1911, No work bench.
- Finished ColtCobra, no work bench.
- Finished BritishBulldogRevolver, no work bench
- Finished CharterArmsBulldog, no work bench
- Finished ColtAnaconda, no work bench
- Finished EnfieldNo2, No work bench
- Finished shotguns, AA12, Ithaca37, no work bench
- [TWEAK] Remington damage, bullet time, sawn off dmg and bullet time (tweaks in file)
- [FIX] Glock 18, not loading and causing red circle - Issue was caused by, trying to load the file LOL ;3
- New sound incuded, Silenced Pistol shot (downloaded from freesound)
- Created new workbench for new map called "TheArmory" for a hold off style map being worked on.
- Created new map, "The Armory" see above, added to the map rotation.
- Created version two of the map.
- Fixed Fread error, caused by dodgey PNG file (I blame gimp.... and linux)
- Updated version number to 0.4 as a few bugs were killed this update
- [TWEAK] Day length increased from 1 minute to 3 minutes, 1 minute was never meant to be for release, was just for testing shit.
- Backed up and delete the out of rotation maps, because A) they sucked and B) causing errors >: (
- Maps suck, need to redo all of them
- Tuesday, 07/10/14, recreated "TheArmory" workbench, renamed to MatrixBench, bugs proceeded
- Recreated "The Armory v02 map" now with additional trees, newer structure.
- [Fixed] Small bug with Mp5 Bench, was calling the Chicom Sprite script
- Generate a mapping pallette to include on resource
- Investigate auto-update ?bug/feature?
- [BUG] MatrixBench, not enough slot spots to list all the guns as purchaseables
- [CHANGE] Updated map rotation, removed all the old maps and have now included only 1, TheArmory, for testing guns and such.
- [BUG] Shop Menu for MatrixBench is screwed in small res (tested 640x480) won't be able to see the entire gun list
- Created placeholder sprite for the "MatrixBench"
- Worked on a *possible* new enemy sprite, greenblob/slime, those adventurous and who read the changelog will be able to go digging and find it![]()
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King Arthur's Gold of Duty: Zombies [KOD: Zombies] 1.1
A 2D version of Call of Duty Zombies (KAG zombies with guns)