Good news first!
- Upgradeable structures; healing station, different stores per weapon class
- Upgradeable guns
- Balance tweaks on weapons
- New zombies, zombies with stronger HP/DMG (visual cue is eye colour)
and more.
- All maps bar one, which was edited to fit with the new shops
- A lot of the guns
- Automatic weapons; ie, SMG's and AutoRifles
and more
Probably some other stuff. Some noticiable improvements in crash happening, although it does still happen (still unsure about what causes it) though I think it's likely to do with the way the guns are coded - blob spam with the bullets methinks.
Future planned release:
- Buyable doors
- more balance tweaks to money
- Money comes per hit, rather than collected
- More upgradeable guns
- Proper healing station ;)
- second tier upgrade weapons so you can pack a punch your gun twice ;)
- Map tweaks
and more
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King Arthur's Gold of Duty: Zombies [KOD: Zombies] 1.1
A 2D version of Call of Duty Zombies (KAG zombies with guns)