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Single-Zombies 2014-10-17

Single Zombie

  1. Remulux
    Single Player Zombie Mode
    First mod which replace single player mode.

    1.Unzip downloaded file.
    2.Paste "Basic" folder to you KAG game folder.
    3.Enjoy! ::D:

    mcrifel, 8x and startselect3 like this.

Recent Reviews

  1. PixelPirate12
    Version: 2014-10-17
    It looked pretty good and all, but I can't get it to work :(. Can somebody please give detailed instructions because I followed yours, but when I click Single then Zombies I can't move, I can't spawn, I can start votes, or really anything else.
  2. startselect3
    Version: 2014-10-17
    Great job! Easy and fast to download, had no issues, and it was really fun! Its 100x easier then setting up a server for it. 10/10