Zombie Fortress ReduxFirst and foremost, thank you to Eanmig, without him creating the foundation for Zombie Fortress, this release wouldn't be possible. With that said, I don't know if Eanmig is done updating his game mode and may take it in a completely different direction as I did.
A sub-mod taking Zombie Fortress to new heights!
This release is simply to add more depth and diversity to the game mode, while adding a real challenge to survive and a purpose to survive!
While most of it is modifications, improvements, additions and tweaks to existing code, I think a lot of people will appreciate the work done here. I studied classic Zombie Fortress and built off some of those ideas while doing brand new ones of my own.
I don't mind if you use any modifications done by me as long as you give credit and also give credit to those who I've credited below if you happen to use any of their work as well, especially Eanmig! Thanks!
Come play this mod on our server now at:Video Presentation:
Sernix Modded Zombie Survival!
Just filter Zombies!
Here are some screenshots kindly taken by crawfish:
All additional Features and content:
Please remember that these changes may stray away from classic Zombie Fortress, as well as Eanmigs version, You can always disable certain features and or simply not download this resource.
I am highlighting things in BLUE that I think others may be excited about
-Currently 4 new mega bosses added including:
- *Giant Red Dragon that blows fire and does devastating damage from above, he also picks up objects and throws them.
- *Giant Green Troll who wrecks shop and has insane knockback
- *Giant Minotaur King is faster, big knockback and doesn't mess around
- *Large Rabid Dog, has a sprint attack, destroys dirt tiles faster, fast attack
- *All bosses destroy bedrock, maps with a high sky modified in are recommended for Dragon (height of 284 is idealy recommended)
-Boss Unique Features:
- *Directional tile damage, meaning if your right, they attack tiles right, left, then left, up, down etc. (previously it was a randomized circle around the sprite)
- *Professional sprites from spritedatabase.com, sprites needed to be transferred over to a KAG animation format so work still needed to be done(credits below).
- *Unique sounds modified and improved from freesound.org
- *All boss gibs done by yours truly, nothing is more satisfying then seeing a bosses bloodied body parts fly around after a long battle.
- *Reworked individual boss behaviors and movement properties, still balancing
- *Bosses drop tons more coins, this can be tweaked in parameters (rare times they dont drop, not sure why)
-Economic changes
- *Quarters toggleable with a parameter (you can turn it on/off if youd like, this is because I added in existing farming system) Quarters food cost alot more to make farming more worth it
- *Kag Kitchen added and modded to work with this game mode, produces 3 for every one ingredient (unlike fireplace which only does 1). You can cook steak, fish, and bake bread
- *Grain seeds stay after being farmed, meaning you can make bread in kitchen production (this is to increase importance of farming)
- *Fireplaces added to builder shop, can be carried, used to quickly cook steak and fish
- *Removed flowers from nursery, flowers no longer give health
- *Trader now sales NPC guards and buys gold for coins (check below for guards), migrants may be added to trader
- *Tunnels are much more costly, this is to influence migrant capturing for dorm respawn and the building of ballistas and warships as respawn points
- *Barracks added but expensive, only allows class changes
- *Modified weighted companion crate by king-george added to buildershop
- *Migrants now work with this game mode. Migrants randomly spawn at different parts of the day. They automatically path to the nearest player/dorm but are like lemmings at times and may get stuck, so you must quest out to get them.
- *Migrants sleeping in dorms provide slow healing to players.
- *Migrants sleeping also provide a one-time respawn point for all currently dead players waiting to respawn, a new migrant must be placed to activate the dorm as a spawn point for the team.
- *Migrants have a button that allows them to be told to stand still and or follow nearest player/auto go to dorm.
-NPC Guards! Optional parameter
- *Parameters to enable NPC guards and their amount
- *NPC guards are the normal knight and archer bot but added to their own seperate set of scripts to not conflict with players.
- *NPC guards can be purchased at the Trader post.
- *NPC guards logic has not been changed much, but you can carry them around and place them in strategic locations around your fortress.
- *Button interactions with guards allow you to tell NPC guards to stand ground or flee(archer)/charge(knight).
- *Zombies and bosses target/attack NPC's just the same
- *KAG Healthbars added to NPCs
- *NPCs can be given relavent items by dropping them at their feet, they can also be healead by food and dorms
- *NPC knights still need work in terms of engaging multiple targets
-Vehicles/Boats and there shops
- *Added Caravel ship to boat shop by Fellere825
- *Added Airship and Bomber balloon to vehicle shop
- *All boats and vehicles inventories have been reduced to give importance of bigger boats
-Submarine and Scuba gear by JacKD (modified/improved to work with current KAG version and this version of Zombie Fortress)
- *Submarine U-Boat added to Naval shop, fitted with a harpoon gun (sprite fixed) and 4 passenger slots, this vessel allows for unlimited under water breathing while seated. Small inventory space added.
- *Submarine does act as a spawn point, even underwater
- *Scuba air tank in buildershop allows for longer time under water (Around 30-60 seconds+), no refilling of airtank needed, just surface for a descent amount of time (carrying multiple air tanks has no effect).
- *Underwater lantern allows for light while exploring in the depths
- *I am aware sub is called U-Boot, its creators name, keeping it.
- -Zombie spawning system redone, Now you can control exactly how many of each zombie type you want spawned at a single time. This helps to balance server performance while also giving server hosts more power and control over spawns.
- -Spawning system now allows boss rounds. These settings can be modified in parameters config file.
- -Much more difficult to survive, Objective is to break/extend survival record for the current map.
- -Survival Record system for any/custom maps, works for generated maps too. It'll save the record survival day for that map.
- -Kills/Score for players. Killing zombies and dying less gains you higher score
- -Voting reworked a bit so players know that they are voting if the record has not been broken for the map. Also the required amount of players must be 70% to skip the map
- -Global sounds added to indicate boss rounds(custom sound), breaking map records(FanFareWin sound), not breaking map records(custom lose sound)
- -Normal zombies and boss range increased so they no longer stay idle and or camp the spawn points (basically if your alive, they are coming!).
- -Classic Greg sprite added in.
- -Players lit on fire now scream (beware of the dragon)
- -Players can now select a respawn point if available, currently only dorms(with a migrant inside), ballistas, and warboats/Caravel/submarine are activated as respawn points.
- -Tons of new added parameters that give Server Hosts more power to change/balance gameplay to their likings without any knowledge of coding!
- -Gold structures reworked to take a reduced amount of damage (not overpowered anymore)
- -All vehicles and boats now are hit by enemy mobs
- -Tons of back-end work/testing in the code that players will take for granted
- -Modding/Coding/Sprite Ports/Release by Daimyo21
- -KAG Beta: Zombie Fortress Creator: Eanmig
- -Caravel ship by Fellere825
- -Submarine and Scuba gear by JacKD
- -Weighted companion crate by king-george
- -Any other mods used in this release that I may have no mentioned(I believe I got all of them)
- -Sprites Contributed by SpriteDatabase.net Cyrus Annihilator
- -Boss sprites from Heroes of Might and Magic II ported to KAG (these cannot be used for commercial use!)
- -Freesound.org
- -Crawfish for contributing in-game screenshots
- -KAG devs for all their great work and allowing us modders and developers to come and mod the crap out of their game while keeping the door wide open for learning!
- #kag.modding IRC channel, thanks to all the coders for their help and for helping each other make some awesome mods!
Colors for map making:
zombie_portal #710d71
random_scroll #b0b07b
random_tech #e900f0
Installation instructions included in resource!
People with no mods currently on server:
1.) Drag all contents of the Zombie Fortress Redux rar/zip file into your KAG main directory, say yes to overwrite, no backups required!
2.) Open autoconfig.cfg in your KAG Main Directory:
Make sure these parameters are as so:
sv_gamemode = Zombies_v1.05_dy_1.6
sv_mapcycle =
3.) Run dedicatedserver.bat or however you run your server!
People with existing mods on server:
1.) Drag over the "Mods" folder and the "Cache" folder into your KAG main directory, overwrite them! No backups required!Optional Server Parameters:
2.) Open autoconfig.cfg in your KAG Main Directory:
Change these parameters to look like this:
sv_gamemode = Zombies_v1.05_dy_1.6
sv_mapcycle =
3.) Open Mods.cfg and add this on its own line:
4.) Run dedicatedserver.bat or however you run your server!
Go into this directory:
Find file zombies_vars.cfg and change parameters to your liking!
In gamemode.cfg you can change the day_cycle speed: 1 = 60 seconds, 2 = 120 seconds etc.
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Zombie Fortress Redux 1.6
A reduxed Zombie Fortress mode adding in tons of new content while taking it in a fun direction