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Possible Formation of KAG 2

This article provides my personal ideas and opinions toward the second version of KAG (if it is ever going to be developed).I am deeply concerned about the ideas given by developers and some of KAG constituents on what is and is not essential in the game's development. In addition to that, KAG 2 will probably appear as another KAG but only with renovated designs and doubtfully better mechanics. Nevertheless, I (and every KAG player) would prefer a new game with a new theme.

First thing to consider is to ensure new version of the game attracts as much KAG's old and current players as possible. Furthermore, a newly themed video game would seem more attractive to the old players, since playing a new game with exactly the same base as the older version ( Middle-Age) would be considered as an unwarranted game moreover not interesting even if the gameplay has improved.

For instance Soldat 2 was not as admired as Soldat 1 as it has one fourth of the original version's reviews. Showing that, it did not even attract its old players to play the new version although the mechanics may have been refined slightly or even substantially.

A newer version of a game could be more successful (or at least as successful as the older one) only if; The graphics have been enhanced dramatically, or the theme and game's story (what is the game all about) have changed and definitely besides slightly improved quality and graphics. And of course the amount of satisfaction you will get from playing a video game is only due to the game's mechanics (earning points, the way your character fights, moves, ...) whereas a new theme is utterly necessary and could make the development much easier (otherwise the gameplay should be improved significantly).
To conclude my statement; developers should focus on offering a newer experience, a renovated atmosphere with a fresh theme. Thereby, forcing old players come back to KAG.
Thank you.
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