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[1057] Tramp Stamp

Discussion in 'Building Critiques' started by Vampire, Mar 23, 2014.

  1. This is the tramp stamp.
    player goes in and dies.
    This is only showing the killing mechanism. so it is up to you to make the trap look nice and stuff.

    im just posting some of the traps [SM] Stone Masons have come up with
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2014
    zerd, Khaleesi, Potatobird and 2 others like this.
  2. emasame

    emasame Bison Rider

    howd you make the tramp vagina? the bottom one just floats there?
    Vampire likes this.
  3. Potatobird

    Potatobird Haxor Forum Moderator Mapping Moderator Tester Official Server Admin

    Man, this thing is so weird, yet so awesome. It's a real pain in the ass to set up.

    I accidentally made a nonlethal one. It makes a really cool (and annoying) noise

    As you can see sometimes it will need repairs, as the two blocks at the top can get destroyed by some odd force.

    The lethal ones are a lot like this but they cause fall damage as well- you'd usually only last 2 or 3 seconds in it
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2014
    zerd likes this.
  4. see your trampolines are too far apart they need to be touching.
    If there is a opening like you showed, you get stuck in it, what you showed is another trap i'm working on. I'll post it when i have time.
    if there is a bigger gap you get another effect
    --- Double Post Merged, Mar 26, 2014, Original Post Date: Mar 26, 2014 ---
    @Potatobird Ok so to make your trap lethal just add a floating spike at the top and bottom of the trap. so 2 between each trampoline.

    --- Double Post Merged, Mar 26, 2014 ---
    ye it just floats.
    --- Double Post Merged, Mar 26, 2014 ---
    This one can work as a chicken launcher. just go into it press up key and then close the top trampoline. It will launch you really high.
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2014
    Sir_Walter, zerd and emasame like this.
  5. Potatobird

    Potatobird Haxor Forum Moderator Mapping Moderator Tester Official Server Admin

    Thanks for the advice! I've found that you can just put some spikes on the bottom under the trampoline if you don't want to waste stone on glitching the spikes. It won't kill as fast, but these things don't tend to be that durable anyway. They are hilarious though!
  6. Boea

    Boea Such Beta

    How does one reliably flip a trampoline?
  7. Apronymous

    Apronymous Bison Rider

    If memory serves this is what I've been doing (if I recall incorrectly I'll fix this post when I next get the opportunity to play KAG).

    Sideways: Toss is straight up, and bump it of your head a bit as it falls (direction based off of which side of the trampoline you bump).
    Diagonal-up: Place a block in the very bottom of a sideways trampoline (direction based on which way the trampoline was facing.
    Down: Nudge the top of a sideways trampolone.
    Diagonal-down: Place a block in the side of an down facing trampoline (direction based on which side of the trampoline you place on).

    As for angles that aren't increments of 45°...
    I don't really know (haven't been using them).
    Probably just place blocks in diagonal trampolines.

    By the way, you can make small adjustments to a trampolines position (or flush them along the grid layout) by placing blocks.
  8. emasame

    emasame Bison Rider

    this is a revelation for me. with some practice you can set up a tramp cannon in seconds

    im still not not able to float my trampoline in between blocks like that

    EDIT: i got it to work ONCE. every time now my tramp falls right through
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2014
    Apronymous likes this.