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2 servers - 2 big problems

Discussion in 'Server Help' started by DUZ, Jan 22, 2012.

  1. DUZ

    DUZ Horde Gibber Tester

    I have 2 servers here in Brazil. The only servers that south americans can play with less ping but the servers are broken after KAG updates. So, let me explain.

    Windows server:
    The server is on the list (right now, server name: KAGBrasil.com - TESTE) but I can't join it and the IP that shows in KAG client console it's different than that shows in the company panel. The company where I rent the server said that the port is open. They use NAT (idk these networks things) and the dedicated server has more than one IP. I've tried to set the server IP on global sv_ip = `` or in the .bat but the server don't appears on the list and I can't join directly by the IP.

    Linux server:
    The server is open right now with the name "KAGBrasil.com" and the password "2". There's two big problems: Red barrier (warmup barrier) disapear after few seconds, I am disconnected after one minute and the server is restarted automatically.

    Video (Linux server): http://goo.gl/upPaA
    Logs (Linux server): http://kagbrasil.com/warmupbuglogs.zip
  2. trelawney

    trelawney KAG Guard Tester

    The server barrier thing is a known bug and it only happens when there's only one player on the server ref. http://bugs.kag2d.com/view.php?id=114. So yeah, it's not really a big problem..just wait till the server fills up.

    I wish i could help you with the Windows issue but I don't have access to any servers with multiple IPv4 IPs , this binding issue was supposedly fixed in the last update ref: http://kagforum.com/index.php?threads/build-274-released.3240/