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[265] Rush Tower

Discussion in 'Building Critiques' started by Asirnan, Jan 10, 2012.

  1. Asirnan

    Asirnan Shark Slayer

    Well, after taking 20 minutes of finding out how to switch off "rich text editor" in my options, I am finally able to post my creation.

    This is a basic, semi-low cost structure to block enemy advances during the beginning of a fight.


    As you can see, there are multiple structures. Each one describes a step in the most effective way to build the structure during the beginning, because often times it's very difficult to throw up more than a wall of rock initially, before you can develop your tower.

    a. The "wall of rock" you throw up to basically halt enemy knights from running and killing you, wait until your knights have dealt with the enemy, and drop down to add the platforms back up.

    b. Thickening the wall to protect against builder attacks.

    c. Adding a door, and an overhang to protect against arrows, also increases the height.

    d. The finished "rush" structure, after you add the background and extra overhang. I will describe it in detail.

    1. I like constructing towers without backs, which adds to the difficulty of enemies converting the building, also the stone background protects against basic collapses.

    2. The overhang is to protect against curved archer shots, so knights and archers can wait in the top for an opportune moment to jump down and attack.

    3. Second overhang, which prevents enemy archers from making an arrow ladder to get over.

    This is simply a basic structure that can be made with some time, and it costs about one inventory full of stone (240), and 100 wood.

    The last version (e.) is a beefed up tower, with an added archer's nest, which should really only be made after you have some time and resources to spare. D. is the main version to be used when rushing.

    So, tell me what you think, criticism is welcomed.
  2. Downburst

    Downburst Mindblown Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    I always like towers like this. Fast rush towers and one of the main aspects of this tower is that it's not easy to take-over by enemies. (They can't easily use them because of the steps on your side making it easy to pass from your side)
    Some things you might want to look at:
    1: Why dont you make it 1 tile lower and add a acavado trap before the entrance?
    2: There is no way for allies to get on top of the tower, so no catapult spot and no way to kill enemies that might have jumped on top.
    3: You might want to make it some higher at the front since they can bombjump on it.
    4: make a stone block under the trap bridge so enemy knights can't easily break it by digging one block down.

    btw: on these towers it's more important on what underground they are then how the look like. If you build a tower like this on a place they can just dig under it becomes useless.
  3. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Very nicely thought out, I do somethnig simlar up until d. e is anice solution for buffing it up, taking Downburst's edits into account. Also always put that first drawbridge one lower than you have it, with a stone underneath, will make it much harder. Stone as much floor as you can in front of teh castle too, it's worth it, and as time goes on, stone lower down so they'd have to dig far under to get over.

    A good archer's nest (that top area Downburst showed [wall in front], with a way to shoot out (and some ladders to position yourself) will help tremendously, add a drawbridge or two 3 tiles from the top stone and you'll be able to cata with ease. Not that catas mean that much anymore, as they do terribly low damage now, it's still important for launching people and keeping dudes from advancing with suppression fire.

    Another thing I really like about this strucutre in particular is that the stone steps (what I prefeR) means that a knight cannot disable your dudes from climbing. Too often I see people making a stone slab instead of 'stone steps', bridges and doors can be broken and partially disable your way up, stone steps 3 tiles up each time or 2 tiles up each time, adds thickness and also makes it much harder to convert as they are forced to bring a builder up to stop you from getting up. Having each step be 2-3 means it's easier to attack a knight that is cockblocking you.

    If you could a total cost analysis of each level is helpful in the first post as well.