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3 KAG Basic problems

Discussion in 'General Help' started by Prince_Arthur, Sep 10, 2012.

  1. Prince_Arthur

    Prince_Arthur Catapult Fodder

    Problem nr°1:
    When KAG finishes update(s),
    KAG.exe is closing and nothing happens.
    I must restart to play.

    Problem nr°2:
    When I'm playing KAG,
    a box appears saying Engine has Stopped Working.
    I must restart to play.

    Problem nr°3:
    When I'm logging to KAG (AND have internet connection),
    a notification appears saying Can't connect to server (...) (or something like this)

    Solution nr°1:
    Restart KAG to play. This bug will be fixed by KAG Team later.

    Solution nr°2:
    Download lastest KAG setup,
    Start setup and select 'Repair'.
    If after repair it continue,
    Re-install KAG.
    If it persists, contact KAG.

    Solution nr°3:
    Make sure your FireWall allows KAG to use internet.