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[428] Miauw's Build-Phase Tower

Discussion in 'Building Critiques' started by Miauw62, Jun 23, 2012.

  1. Miauw62

    Miauw62 Shipwright


    So, this is my standard tower i build in the buildphase, as it is quite expensive in materials.
    If you try you can see whats in the top cabin, dont worry about that.

    So yeah, tell me what i can do better.
    I dont have time to post much explanations, but its self-explanatory tough.
    (just note the stone that is paved in front of the tower so knights cant dig)
    killatron46 likes this.
  2. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    I would remove that corner spike. Yes I know it will instagib the enemies, but it is way too easy to throw a bomb in there, and after that, pommel through the building. Otherwise it's quite nice and not too expensive, and I like how the top will open to a cata nest with only slight modifying.
    Gofio and Miauw62 like this.
  3. Bammboo

    Bammboo Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Maybe spike the roof to damage enemies that bombjump/ get cata'd up there? Besides that I don't see much that isn't good.
  4. CoD

    CoD Haxor

    Nice tower, nothing I can see that's wrong.Good job!
  5. Miauw62

    Miauw62 Shipwright

  6. Guro


    Adding just 2 more blocks to the width of the building (at the top on the right most block of the building, overhang style) would prevent builders from laddering straight up and over your fort. If you were to remove the corner spike trap as Monsteri suggested, placing a kneecapper of some sort would probably be a productive endeavour. You could also potentially place the notch used for vaulting higher, and use either a stone block or a team bridge boost-pad to boost yourself up to it (or even remove the notch completely). The benefit of the boostpad is twofold. It makes your tower harder to take for the enemy, and saves on resources and block placement time (every second counts). Maybe something like this?


    Just a suggestion though.

    It uses up more resources, but that shouldn't matter if it is built during build phase anyway. It's got space and protection for all the shops, is very difficult to ladder over or climb as any class and has nice accessibility for archers. I like it. Solid tower. You could even make it thicker or whatever depending on how much build time you have or possibly add spike traps of some sort to strengthen the base even further. It's up to you. Good job.
    Aladdinsane and killatron46 like this.
  7. Miauw62

    Miauw62 Shipwright

    I'm not really a fan of knee-cappers tough, too easy to chuck a bomb trough. but thats just me.
    I like the overhang tough.
    And i'll remove the corner-spike.
    Also, nobody noticed the little easter egg in my picture?
    killatron46 likes this.
  8. Bammboo

    Bammboo Ballista Bolt Thrower

    If the easter egg is the lol in the minimap yes. Otherwise, no.
  9. Miauw62

    Miauw62 Shipwright

    Yes, that was the easter egg.

    I'm not funny at all. i know.
  10. Jumpout

    Jumpout Shopkeep Stealer

    its great, just build it on the MOLE server and with in seconds builders will be all over it like wasps to a 12 year old kid throwing stones at their hive