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Premium 5 Day wait? 5 Day wait for what?

Discussion in 'General Help' started by Bobby2580, Jun 12, 2013.

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  1. Bobby2580

    Bobby2580 Base Burner

    To provide convenient purchases world-wide, we provide multiple ways to buy the full version. Purchases can sometimes take up to 5 days to process your order, according to the method of payment you choose. If the method you have chosen directs you to receive an email, ensure that you check the inbox of the account that you provided to the merchant to receive your code. To activate the full version, simply login to this website and click "Panel" at the top then enter your redemption code. You can also give this code as a gift, but remember, each code can only be redeemed once.

    In this paragraph, they mention a 5-day wait. What is the 5-day wait FOR??
  2. Furai

    Furai THD Team THD Team Administrator

    ... dozen e-mails...topics on forums...I don't want to offend your IQ but... *LOCKED*
    Derschlact, Galen and LucasTT like this.
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