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[590] AKD Anti Knight defence

Discussion in 'Building Critiques' started by tripod2008, Jan 8, 2013.

  1. tripod2008

    tripod2008 Catapult Fodder

    this is my tower:

    AKD v1 edit.png

    Yellow: optional
    Red: possible to scale (horizontal )
    Blue: possible to scale (vertical)
    Aqua: needed (also need to be in line with each other)
    White: optional spikes
    Green: can be deeper but must be in line with team bridge and two high doors
    Orange: optional door/ archer nest
    P.S MUST be manned by archer in light blue shelter next to the greed area
    AN:my first thread and post :B):[+ 3 Hours of work on this]
    EDIT: added orange
    EDIT: added optional archer nest
  2. arcanecat

    arcanecat Shark Slayer

    Very stone/wood intensive build, so it limits this being build during building phase, but very good. Although you could of added a 1 block deep spike trap in the red area, just to scare off knights :P. Although the tower needed another door.
  3. vilereaver41

    vilereaver41 Drill Rusher

    i guess not all knights are good i myself am a bad knight and archer but when it comes to throwing a bomb for me getting a bomb in those archer shooting spots is pretty easy...but then again thats just me.
  4. Eden

    Eden Galen Slayer Donator

    It would be pretty easy to take down this fortress, in the big ditch, there's a archer hole, all you need is 3 good bombs and you're in the lower tunnel. And really, all you need is a knight with three bombs, and a builder.
  5. Drok

    Drok Shark Slayer

    It looks good, but in practice the usefulness is practically zero because you work on the assumption that knights will play along. What happens when a builder comes and puts three stone blocks in the entrance? The whole structure that took huge amounts of resources to build, a lifetime of building time and careful strategic planning is suddenly a mere wall. Even if the enemies feel like throwing themselves there, a few bombs can blast a way down the spike pit and not only disable but take advantage of the most time-consuming part of the structure, which is all the tunnels.
  6. arcanecat

    arcanecat Shark Slayer

    Peoples no tower is immune to Builders, the only way to prevent builders coming near you, are Lots of knights, and a few archers.
  7. Drok

    Drok Shark Slayer

    Archers will be busy sniping the people inside the trap, reducing the outer defenses, and knights will be busy fighting the enemies swarming the tunnels, further leaving the front defenseless. I'm just suggesting what would happen in a real situation. While it is true that no structure is builder-proof, in practice we have to take into account the cost/resistence ratio: if a single builder can render half an hour of work, 5000 stone and 1000 wood useless in a matter of ten seconds, 30 stone and 20 wood, the ratio is not great.
  8. arcanecat

    arcanecat Shark Slayer

    To countradict you, if you have a good Archer, he'll being trying to pick off Builders, while Knights should always be on ground trying to attack any reds. Enemies swarming the tunnels, unlikey, unless the other team has builders . Although you can use a small amount of stone/wood to overthrow the tower. You also need to remember that not all knights/archers are dumb. Your talking as if this tower was built in a server with mainly noobs, so Builders will most likely not be protected, so they be easy to take care of.
    Although this tower is not perfect, it has flaws, and could benefit with some modifications.
  9. Drok

    Drok Shark Slayer

    Archers can't be everywhere - one of the main features of this building is the knight pit used to slaughter knights with arrows, and they can't fire in the front at the same time. Then, regardless of how dumb the enemy knights are, they will eventually hack the doors down (doesn't take much time), gradually blast the the spike pit with bombs (doesn't take many bombs), and finally take control of the tunnels. They won't just sit there to be archer food! :D
    And it is never safe to make buildings on the premise that your team will be able to repel each and every one of the enemy builders: it only takes seconds of distraction in a match of potentially more than half an hour to grief the hell out of a base. We've all been there...
    arcanecat likes this.
  10. Jim_Dale

    Jim_Dale Arsonist

    Bad Points:
    • only one roof access point / badly designed roof
    • very vertical tower, easily climbed with a builder
    • terrible archer holes, limited firing angle
    • easily accessible underground. A couple of bombs and an enemy builder and you've got a real problem on your hands
    • very resource extensive
    • requires lots of time to build something of this size
    • bombshop is not guarded by a door, and is surrounded by workshops that an enemy knight would happily smash for coins to buy bombs, and then blow your team to all hell and buy even more bombs.
    • structure is walled toward your team's side. this limits archer backup if the enemy gets in, and would probably result in loss of the tower.
    • tower is very easily campable from the inside, preventing use: all an enemy knight has to do is destroy the ladder and most knights would not be able to get up without help from a builder.
    Good Points:
    • Knight murder pit.
  11. tripod2008

    tripod2008 Catapult Fodder

    remember that this design is just a demo :)
    //also thxs for the feed back.
  12. Canadian98

    Canadian98 Haxor Tester

    I would imagine it would take quite a bit of time to dig all that dirt also.
  13. -Tj-

    -Tj- Sicarii Donator
    1. The Ivory Tower of Grammar-Nazis

    This tower doesnt stop the pro knights from bypassing the front of it and wrecking havoc into the base behind it.

    AKD v1 edit.png The purple outlines - A smart knight with enough skill can simply place a bomb in the bottom purple circle, and then wait for it to explode and then can simply climb the wall at the front. (The bigger purple outline).

    The Knight can climb that and then a smart builder can just ladder his team up there and block the blue's doors on the roof stopping your team from killing them, thus this tower's front wall in pretty much giving the enemy a staircase to the top.
  14. Canadian98

    Canadian98 Haxor Tester

    Also, the extra shops are just wasted resources.
  15. Force

    Force Shark Slayer

    Way too big. The game would finish before you completed it. Assuming your making it by yourself. The archer hole at the right is extremely weak. 2 bombs could make a passage for the knights. Too much resources required... In other words it sucks (no offence).
  16. Eden

    Eden Galen Slayer Donator

    To be honest, this is a shit-ish build, that can be over run by experienced Knights/Builder's, and yes Archer's. 2 specifically placed bombs would take advantage of this. And really, when a builder uses his ladder's for the knights/archer's to climb upon the building, the builder could make the building his by a couple of stone, and a couple of minutes lacing the stone below with the tunnels.

  17. Conquerer

    Conquerer Shark Slayer

    When I first saw this I thought: WTF? Are you serious?!
    It is ridiculously expensive and an experienced knight could fuck up all that work that'll take you three quarters of the game to do. This is just retarded, if you don't mind me saying. In the game you don't have editor. Please, next time post a building worth critiquing and not just wasting people's time. Sorry, but it's true.