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[590] Cheap Trap

Discussion in 'Building Critiques' started by Conquerer, Mar 4, 2013.

  1. Conquerer

    Conquerer Shark Slayer

    This is a trap that I came up with. The main focus for me when building this was to come up with something quick & cheap, yet effective. If the enemy knight tries to escape by destroying the team door, he dies. If a builder is manning the trap, he will destroy the trap bridges or team door and, he dies. The only weakness is that the knight could bomb the stone in the ground on the right and escape, but I'm hoping a builder/team knight would regularly man the trap to set off the trap before that happens. You can also change and build onto this to benefit archers and builders. (Protection for builders & archer holes/nests)

    Resources Required: 12x :castle_wall: 1x :door: 5x :bridge: 19x :castle_bg: (158 Stone/130 Wood)

    *Cheap & quick to build.
    *Simple to remember.
    *Easy to repair.

    *Knights can escape with 1 bomb.
    *Knights can bomb-jump over the top and destroy the trap.
    *Easy for enemy builders to ruin.
    *Easy to be griefed.

    Resources Required: 13x :castle_wall: 6x :bridge: 2x :door: 1x :spikes: 23x :castle_bg: (186 Stone/180 Wood)
    **Sorry about the attached files**

    Attached Files:

  2. DubstepMonkey

    DubstepMonkey Horde Gibber

    Pretty good trap its cheap not much resources but i dont recommend this is a server with lots of players try to make it archer proof or something like that it would be a bit better i think in my opinion.;)
  3. Conquerer

    Conquerer Shark Slayer

    I mentioned that above. 'You can also change and build onto this to benefit archers and builders. (Protection for builders & archer holes/nests)' ;_;
  4. You can easily bypass the basic trap as knight by deactivating the trap bridges when you go to collapse it, by doing this you will probably not take any damage at all. (as shown in the spoiler below :down:) Also, whenever a builder goes to collapse it you can also just deactivate the bridges.

    soulrealm and Froghead48 like this.
  5. Conquerer

    Conquerer Shark Slayer

    Fair enough, I'll try to make a new version soon.
  6. Clap Clap Very good & (nothing)
  7. Conquerer

    Conquerer Shark Slayer

    Please remove the picture.
  8. DubstepMonkey

    DubstepMonkey Horde Gibber

    Dude wow.
  9. Deleted*
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2014
  10. ParaLogia

    ParaLogia tired Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester Official Server Admin

    mfw It's still there because DupstepMonkey quoted it...
    CheeseMeister likes this.
  11. Conquerer

    Conquerer Shark Slayer

    Whatever. This thread is meant for critiquing, not looking at pictures of girls in bikinis.
  12. kk sorry, i was just kidding around :P
  13. Conquerer

    Conquerer Shark Slayer

  14. Alaiscool

    Alaiscool Arsonist

    I think one or two catapult shots would wreak the trap :( and i seems very easily broken by a single builder :(
  15. Bammboo

    Bammboo Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Show me any trap that is effective, cost efficient, and is not weak to catapults/builders. Also, as it is stated in the op, this trap is to kill knights, not builders.
  16. Alaiscool

    Alaiscool Arsonist

    Ok good point :P But aren't most traps ment to kill all classes?
  17. Bammboo

    Bammboo Ballista Bolt Thrower

    No. Archers and builders can get out of most traps easily. It wastes too much time & resources to make a trap that will kill every class efficiently. That is why spike pits(which are usually used to kill/delay knights) are so popular. They are quick, cheap, and simple. And, the easiest way for a knight to get out of them, would be them using a bomb. Which usually results in them destroying 1 block for 20 coins, which is not an equal trade.
  18. Alaiscool

    Alaiscool Arsonist

    Ok cool :D thanks for the info