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Discussion in 'Building Critiques' started by I3lue, Mar 17, 2013.

  1. A slightly complicated Acavado spike trap building. Used for scare factor as well as an extremely deadly concoction of a grinder and more spikes.

    • Very hard to get past.
    • Resistant to pesky laddering builders. (workshop pieces)
    • Time consuming for the other team.
    • Auto-kill spikes everywhere.
    • Very team friendly as dangerous as it seems..
    • Time consuming to build.
    • Heavy on stone.
    • Only slightly resistant to bombs. EDIT: I did this in the mindset of a red builder. How weird right?[​IMG]
    rocker2 likes this.
  2. ParaLogia

    ParaLogia tired Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester Official Server Admin

    I could parkour up that without any damage (or maybe one heart if I mess up). :flex:
    Add a bit of an overhang to prevent that.
  3. I will be sure to do that, from now on, just picture an imaginary one. Thanks for the constructive criticism. :thumbs_up:
  4. You could add an archer nest instead of a simple overhang to get rid of those pesky builders. The nest could cover the top so bombs won't fall inside the structure.
    Great for build time, not so for endgame. Overall a nice tower. (Albeit some of the spikes at the back are unnecessary.) :thumbs_up:
  5. Ghozt

    Ghozt Haxor

    Seems resource heavy.

    Also, I think it would work better swapped. (With some minor adjustments)
  6. Zer0Striker

    Zer0Striker Shipwright

    There is a way to get over this tower without taking damage, since spikes only damage you at certain speeds and/or direction, a vaulting pro(Like myself) could vault up and slow down near the top then slash jump over the 2 block high tower, and I'm in. You might wanna add some form of overhang.
    Edit: Nevermind noticed you put very hard to get past, which doesn't state it isn't possible.
  7. DubstepMonkey

    DubstepMonkey Horde Gibber

    Resource is heavy to much wood and spikes. not 100% team safe also can be simple to bomb jump over and not very efficient i recommend making this less resources or a simple tower or make it taller.
  8. I know all of this. People have already constructively criticized these. It is also said in the cons section(if you read that) that it is resource heavy. Please refrain from repeating things that have already been said. Something new that only you caught or a different error that I may have made would be appreciated. Keep in mind that this trap can be modified to compensate for bombjumpers, thank you for pointing that out.
  9. Foremole

    Foremole Tree Planter


    You say there are towers that *aren't* easy to bombjump over, while not being ridiculous?

    Challenge accepted.
  10. 8x

    8x Elimination Et Choix Traduisant la Realité Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    No matter how effective or expensive this is; i fell in love with its name; "Hey dude! help me build a Mr Spike!"
    I3lue likes this.
  11. Conquerer

    Conquerer Shark Slayer

    As soon as I saw this I was going to post this. Then I saw this post.
    Took the words right outta my mouth Para! :p
    Force likes this.