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[590] One way rooms and my fast basic traps

Discussion in 'Building Critiques' started by Mexer, Apr 3, 2013.

  1. Mexer

    Mexer Ballista Bolt Thrower
    1. No Control - to be deleted. inactive

    • added build number
    One way shop rooms:


    Kind of complex to build, but worth it. Enemies can't go into the shops even if they break the doors. Bomb jumpers will smash their heads against the spike walls or if they somehow dodge the first wall they fall in the pit. If the enemy damages the trapdoor ladders and they climb a bit, they will hit their heads against that one door block above, so they won't be aligned with the main entrance. Optional spike block below that one door block. Also, good tower on the left for archers as well.

    Basic easy-to-build traps:


    Not much to it, easy to build traps, sometimes I put spikes on top for enemies trying to jump over. Ladder before it so allies can climb on top and attack the enemy more efficiently. Of course, not very affective against sober enemy builders.
  2. Conquerer

    Conquerer Shark Slayer

    @One way shop rooms
    I think this is quite resource heavy to build, and with 4 bombs knights could get past the tower. With 2 bombs they could gain access to the shop rooms. I suggest fortifying the shop rooms more, and get rid of all those spikes on the side and underside of the stone. Where the spikes are, slightly fortify it more.

    -ill edit this later, I gtg.-
    SlyStalker likes this.
  3. Demon_Jester

    Demon_Jester Haxor

    for the top one, shops and shits. The front tower gives cover for enemy. You can get up the bridge, slash door, bomb stone and your in one of the shop rooms. Or just slash the doors and go on top of the shop room.

    There's not many archer places/safe archer places.
    The 2 bottom red circles are for what bombs can do. First one makes it possible to get in the shop area. The other red one is simply there to show that bomb damage can go through the one block thick wall and damage/kill ppl inside who are healing.

    Green is for archer places. Top 2 red circles are for what bomb jumpers can land on. I would be able to do it from ground lvl (so a lot others would be aswell).

    Slightly Resource heavy.
    Therefore, Time consuming.
    Is good against nooby bomb jumpers tho, and looks cool.

    I would suggest having a stronger front tower, or no front tower at all. Giving u more time and resources to make better archer holes and improvements on the back tower which will become the front tower.

    For bottom pic, easy trap: A knight can simply walk up to it and start slashing. More like a delay trap then a killing trap :L

    *If conquerer does his editing, take his advise. Been doing this way longer then i have.
    MadDog and SlyStalker like this.
  4. Force

    Force Shark Slayer

    Personally I dont like having any area's the enemy can easily bomb jump on, even if they have spikes on them. Why not just make a wall that provides no foothold for the enemy, you can save stone (No spikes needed) and its just as effective.
    SlyStalker and Guitarman like this.
  5. It is much easier to just use workshop shacks or workshops on trapbridges (workshops destroy as soon as trapbridges deactivate).

    One-way shop rooms are a waste of time and resource, the player needs to walk backward to go through the workshop again to get supplies or get healed.
  6. Mexer

    Mexer Ballista Bolt Thrower
    1. No Control - to be deleted. inactive

    ok, ok I get it ;_;
  7. SlyStalker

    SlyStalker Shopkeep Stealer

    Well, just refine the design and it'll be fine, I think.