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[749][Guide] How to be a ninja

Discussion in 'Archer' started by NinjaCell, May 7, 2013.

  1. NinjaCell

    NinjaCell Haxor

    With the release of Beta there are now even more possibilities and opportunities to sneak, assassinate and destroy. Crates, daggers and pyro tech only add to the fun![​IMG]
    As always with a new release, many ideas are not realised or fully implemented into team strategies for quite a while. I am compiling this list to allow everyone to learn to be a ninja. Suggestions are welcome!
    (Must have classy names):smug:

    • Crate Camouflage:
      Become Solid Snake as you sneak undetected as you carry your crate, edging towards the enemy base, ducking to render yourself invisible! That, or your ventricles will be suddenly pierced by a balista shot and your breathing cavity casually perforated by a builder atop a mounted gun as your corpse is gibbed into 14,120,000,121 pieces by a overcooked keg. A better plan would be to hop inside the crate (hold 'E' and select 'get inside') and get a teammate to take you there whilst stowed away in the storage compartment of a ship. Your screen won't follow the boat and you will be stuck in hammerspace for a while but you won't drown. Impossible to get out of by yourself.
    • Pyromanic Ploy:
      As useful as any catapult, keg or other explosive is, the one thing that is sure to send the enemies hope of winning up in flames, up in smoke and, heh, into ashes. Is FIRE. BURN, BURN, BURN IT ALL! Ahem, anyway, the best way to put the finishing touches on a good raid is to burn the place to the ground. If partaking in a rush bring some pyro tech, early defences will often be made of wood and if they aren't, will probably have no overhangs. A map with little to no water means any archer can easily solo and arrow climb their way up the defences and lob a satchel (which stick to walls) or loose a couple of fire arrows into the nearest factory tower. (If you can't climb try volleying.) Firing fire arrows will also let you penetrate knights shields.
    • Submarine Subterfuge:
      If your attacking boat crashes into an enemies' sometimes the best route to take is to swim under the enemy ship and attack their base directly. Disregarding you as a useless lone archer they will concentrate on the rest of your team leaving you to scale their walls and give them a real reason to whine about archers being OP. As well as any fiery tactics mentioned above, you can hijack a mounted bow gun and pick off some of those bumbling builders milling about below. If escape is an option see if you can't pilfer some tech or even a trader. (At the very least he'll make good burgers).25252525
    • Crouching Archer Hidden Shadlington:
      Planting some extra bushes near the entrance of your base or in a flat, leafy area will give you additional foliage to hide behind giving you the chance to avoid the main force of the invaders and instead assassinate someone manning a siege weapon, escape boat or hauling a keg. Make sure to keep an eye out for archers arrow-climbing up your defences hoping to use some sort of incendiary device. (How dare they use such a cowardly tactic!)
    • MM's Subterranean Sudden Gibberation:
      Grab some builder buddies and dig to the centre of the map (usually where the scroll of carnage is), this handy piece of parchment kills every enemy on screen. Simply dig further under the enemy base and use. Instant win. Accept no substitutes. Demonstrated by MM here:
    • Cancellation Conglomeraterion:
      Even a weak arrow can block your enemy's speeding fletchings of doom. Quite hard to pull off but extremely useful in combat. Even harder to pull off is the act of actually catching one of the spleen-shredders. More a party trick than a useful tactic though.*
    • Keg Butter, Knight Splutter:
      See an incoming attack? Hopelessly outnumbered? Don't worry. Simply grab a explosive device of your choice and swim towards the invading forces. With any luck several knights will jump mindlessly at you and blow themselves to smithereens. Meanwhile your teammates will take no notice of your heroic sacrifice as they erratically ping logs into the Strathosphere and slide a mill saw into the demolition factory. +50 Hero Points. Huzzah.
    • Landoo2's Explosive Cruise:
    1. Grab a keg and stash it it the enemy's ship.
    2. Allow the enemy so provide combustion.
    3. ????
    4. Profit.
    Hope these handy hints help you become the ULTIMATE NINJA!
    *Do not try at parties.
    //Spooped in the build number for you, broski. ~ Hella
    cerbr, Norris, GloriousToast and 11 others like this.
  2. killatron46

    killatron46 Cata Whore Donator
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]

    Nice list of hints, however next time add a build number to your thread and read the rules of this seciton posted >>HERE<<.

    Thanks for your time making this thread! :)
    butterscotch and Hella like this.
  3. ewox250

    ewox250 Shark Slayer

    Archers are awesome now becouse they are like ninjas but they are to op.
    DobryMurzyn and Ciasteczko like this.
  4. Archers are ninjas weather they want to be or not:spam:.
    Digger101 likes this.
  5. PadaV4

    PadaV4 Shopkeep Stealer

    We need to get the bow replaced with shurikens! Would suit more :d
    butterscotch likes this.
  6. Gofio

    Gofio Gunwobbler x3

    make texturepack?
  7. Digger101

    Digger101 Shark Slayer

    How bout a crossbow hmm,there seems to be a crossbow coming in beta in a later time I believe.
    Gofio likes this.
  8. Landoo2

    Landoo2 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    i thouged u can post some funny things herte what archers can do...
    my favourite thing is...

    u take a keg, light it and store it in ur enemys ship.
    then you swim for your life and start laughing while the other enemys are wondering why they died.
    : D
    NinjaCell and butterscotch like this.