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[866] Infinite Jumps at the top of the map

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Gurin, Aug 31, 2013.

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  1. Gurin

    Gurin Stop That! Global Moderator Donator Tester

    Category: KAG Client
    Operating System: Windows 7
    Build Number: 866
    Description: Infinite Jumps in the "dark zone". Or, "top of the map".
    Steps to reproduce: Just go on top of the map, and keep on jumping!
    PinXviiN and kaizokuroof like this.
  2. -Tj-

    -Tj- Sicarii Donator
    1. The Ivory Tower of Grammar-Nazis

    Tried this just then, yep its real messed up ;_;
    PinXviiN and kaizokuroof like this.
  3. Gurin

    Gurin Stop That! Global Moderator Donator Tester

    Fixed & locked.
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