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[869][Gen] Feedback and Suggestions

Discussion in 'Archer' started by Skinney, Sep 3, 2013.

  1. Skinney

    Skinney THD Team THD Team Forum Moderator Tester

    Bow and Arrow
    You currently have to make very few decisions playing an archer, it is either do I have enough time to charge up a Legolas shot or do I release my current arrow and run. With the inclusion of special arrows these choices increase but not by much. Below I have detailed my ideal image of the archer including a rework of the new Legolas shot (Arrow Barrage), the addition of Multishot and the old charged shot with a longer charge time and higher velocity.

    Arrow velocity reference with current build
    low = [869] ½ heart arrow speed
    medium = [869] 1 heart arrow speed
    high = [869] maximum arrow speed
    very high = faster than [869] maximum arrow speed

    Arrow nocked, not drawn

    String drawn to level 1

    ½ a heart of damage
    medium velocity
    String drawn to level 2
    1 heart of damage
    high velocity
    triggers Arrow Barrage
    arrows can be stored for Multishot
    String drawn to level 3
    2 hearts of damage
    very high velocity
    Arrow Barrage
    Arrow Barrage allows you to fire continuous level 1 arrows at level 2 damage and velocity as long as you maintain proper tempo. Waiting too long to redraw your bow, waiting to long within level 1, charging your bow past level 1 or taking any damage cancels this effect.

    This effectively replaces the current legolas shot with a slightly lower attack rate with a more sustained output (highest DPS).
    Arrows can be stored up to a maximum of 3 on your bowstring, to do this you charge an arrow up to level 2 and right click while keeping your bow drawn (holding left click). To store additional arrows you must charge back up to level 2 and perform the same action, every time this is performed you store 1 additional arrow. Storing arrows does not trigger Arrow Barrage.

    To fire your stored arrows, release your left click. Arrows released this way at level 1 deal 1/2 a heart of damage at low velocity, at level 2 they deal 1 heart of damage at medium velocity and cannot be charged to level 3. When 2 or more arrows fired this way hit a shielding opponent, it disables their shield momentarily.

    The inclusion of storing arrows and a variable Multishot gives the archer more choice in how to tackle certain situations (highest burst damage).
    Grappling Hook
    The grappling hook is a great tool and quite fun but its current implementation is a little shallow, with just these few additions you can increase the skill ceiling while making it a little less frustrating simple.

    A cooldown of around .4 seconds would reduce spam and increase the thought required to navigate complex terrain.
    Spool Control
    You would no longer automatically be reeled in, instead you would be able to control the spool with "W" and "S". This would allow for more controlled swinging and ease of use.
    Swing Control
    You can shift your weight and slightly control your horizontal velocity with "A" and "D", allowing you to start a swinging motion from a dead stop, swing out from underneath an overhang or maybe even a backflip.
    If your grappling hook stretches too far it will detach from the surface its connected to and stun you in the process.
    Maximum range: How far you can release your spool.
    Buffer: How far the spool can stretch past the maximum range.
    Snap: The terminal point at which the grapple gets pulled from the surface its connected to and stuns you.
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2013
  2. Boea

    Boea Such Beta

    So the barrage is just doing what any archer does in close combat? Shooting low-end [1h] to high-end [1.5h] Medium Shots?

    Grappling hook-wise, doesn't seem fun.
    The grapple hook is what is singularly supposed to make the archers go really fast, being little Titan Attackers, you'd have to be able to reel in pretty freaking fast to do that.
    NinjaCell likes this.
  3. Skinney

    Skinney THD Team THD Team Forum Moderator Tester

    The barrage allows you to fire a stream of arrows at a fixed rate if you can stay at the right tempo. Granted the rate of fire would be slower than the current Legolas shot, the arrow velocity and damage would be the same with slightly higher sustained damage per second.

    Spool speed would be the same as it is currently, you would just be able to control when to reel in and when to reel out.
  4. Boea

    Boea Such Beta

    Well, the problem is that these controls overlap with normal movement controls, I don't like that.

    The barrage seems unnecessary as that's exactly what archers did pre-update whenever going for 2h shots weren't a possibility, ie, close combat. [but even then, we had 1.5h shots]
    The devs added the multi shot because it was something substantially different, but all it does- because of other changes to archers -is add to the problems of arrow spam and camping.
    That being said, the barrage is not anything different than playing an Archer normally, and a proficient archer knows the difference and necessity between a 2h shot, a 1.5 shot [high-end medium], and a 1h shot [low-end medium].

    As an added notion, archers don't rely on dps, dps only matters when you are actually guaranteed to hit the target.
    This is because builders die too easily for it to matter, or they build their little walls and cubbies to completely negate your "dps"; or Knights are trying to match their shielding to your shots, as you try to match your shots to their jabs/slashes.
    [The standard timing of the barrage would pretty much remove the issue of timing for the knight]
    Archers, rather, rely on potshots/hit confirmation rather than spamming arrows, and yes, this also applies to special ammo, as they aren't much value if you miss a shot, and have to wait for more to churn out.

    If anything, having an attack based on standardized timing seems outright, for me since combat is based completely on off-timing.
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2013