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[935] Ye Brave Builders

Discussion in 'Building Critiques' started by Tulvar, Nov 11, 2013.

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  1. Tulvar

    Tulvar Catapult Fodder

    I issue forth this challenge for thy own amusement. No reward other than sanguine hilarity as your enemy is verily squashed into tiny bits. To gather all thy stone and carry it to thy forward fortress, so might buildeth this tower. Thy enemy shall know it as the Stone Symbol of death, and they victory may not be gauranteed because thy mistake was building it.

    Okay enough sillies but seriously I am going to try and build this probably as home base defense. Its a tad confusing since my in game name is Asatrix sorry about that but steam made it so it was registered and now I can't do much about it, the email tied to the steam account is for some reason not tied to a Kag account. .-. and I can't get it fixed. here's the images; I am the owl headed one:
    so this is my anti archer trap I built in Sandbox mode. big and ugly but very dangerous all the same
    A nice jagged toothed maw to keep them from attacking your own archers, with a jagged roof. May get rid of the sniping positions on top. the builder hall would be replaced with a workbench. with a compliment of knights and archers your builders wouldn't worry too much and simply keep mining stone to supply the beast with boulders. 35 stone a piece so not a heavy task really. Building it on the other hand, in the midst of a battle, that's a challenge indeed.
    amgtree likes this.
  2. FuzzyBlueBaron

    FuzzyBlueBaron Warm, Caring, Benign, Good and Kind Philanthrope Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    Thread moved to Building Critiques.
  3. Tulvar

    Tulvar Catapult Fodder

    |; ah guess I didn't look very far. Thanks? less of a critique more of a I"m issuing a challenge, which is why I posted where I posted but thanks none the less.
  4. AsIPutOnMyWizRobes

    AsIPutOnMyWizRobes Catapult Fodder

    I like it, I think they'd probably die by spikes before they get to the boulders. But if a stupid archer lets the boulders down onto their knights, I'd pay like to see that.
  5. you can grapple over it without losing a single heart
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2013
  6. Bernhardt

    Bernhardt Builder Stabber

    Not sure if Ej is correct, but I like the fact that you have made an attempt to counter grappling Archers. I've never considered using boulders this way.

    Also, the two spike platforms on the roof should make grappling more challenging.

    On the resource optimization side of things, do you think spikes every second block would be enough, or have you noticed that they are more effective when placed right next to each other? Sure, the building already takes tons of resources, but there is always something you can save on. I think half of the beauty of coming up with these designs is trying to get as much as possible with as little as possible.

    Have you started thinking about specific kind of traps that would complement your building in front of the first wall?
  7. Rocinante

    Rocinante Ballista Bolt Thrower

  8. Tulvar

    Tulvar Catapult Fodder

    yes actually the original design was nearly impassible but used the sv_test stuff in single player. there were two or three pit traps and because the wall spikes were there the enemy would be forced to fall through the trapped blocks. non archers would die immediately and poorly skilled archers would eventually give up and join the slaughter on the spikes
    used non retracting spikes on the pit floor with a compliment of retracted ones on its walls. brutal thing really. think it was about ten to 12 blocks deep. the spikes was a silly added piece, initially I used wood but obviously if they have fire arrows its a problem.
    the initial design was much taller and could comfortably store six boulders per row, housing a total of thirty. Also the Dev's thought of using boulders in this way, you see them featured in a few map traps that encourage you to jump undergound: spiked pits with trapped block rooves containing a single boulder, meant for a player to stumble upon on accident. These are very intentional when used. the only down fall of this is that I believe Ej is right. The spikes are mostly showy, the boulders were meant to be the real trap. A pro will keep grappling up and around. though if he's unfortunate enough, he'll have laid waste to his own team by setting off the tiered layers.

    The actual original design I had attempted to stack them the way that you can with explosive kegs. But they don't like to do so and will crush boulders underneath them. my next version that I am working on is a controlled dropping mechanism some way to drop a whole bunch manually without dying probably build it and then use an archer to grapple through doors to drop the boulders. have a builder making more and replacing them in a chute as needed. there's a lot of work yet to be done. Its a shame I usually find griefers on the communal sandbox servers.
  9. rebuilt the tower of @Rocinante in sandbox, takes one grapple to get over it

    also just to clarify, there's only one way to stop archers from grappling over your towers:
    you need to make a massive overhang out of reversed floor tiles, other way, archers will always grapple over

    edit: wait didnt notice the trampoline, going to rebuild but probably will grapple over either way
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2013
  10. Rocinante

    Rocinante Ballista Bolt Thrower

    I rebuilt it just now in sandbox as well and I can't get over it as an archer. ):

    Well, it's an effective anti-Rocinante trap at any rate. :rollseyes:
  11. Tulvar

    Tulvar Catapult Fodder

    If you consider that the 30 rock overhang is a good deal bigger requiring a greater overhang and then place said reversed platforms yes yes it would prevent them for getting very far. at some point an archer will use this to get inside and up and around. so its kind of broken and ineffective but that's probably why it was in an experimental phase. mind you i'm used to the terrarian traps where concealed pressure plates could bring hell down on your head
  12. JTG

    JTG Bison Rider Tester

    Rocinante gotta propel up, and the downfall of this structure is the fact it uses too much stone, in a CTF this would consume all of the stone on your side, thanks to the mass of spikes and trapblocks, not to mention it makes knights want to destroy it even more causing your average bumbling knight to have a purpose.

    In TTH it would disintigrate due to free explosives.
    You have to be wary about resource and time investment, since a defense is not made to win a game, only stop your team from losing it.
    Contrary likes this.
  13. Rocinante

    Rocinante Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Yeah, I mean, at this point I'm not even concerned with tulvar's monstrosity. I actually cannot figure out how any archer could "propel" themselves through the trampoline. Every time I try to propel - question mark? - that just increases the velocity of the trampoline fucking my face. I would like to know, tho.

    EDIT: lmao.. it keeps killing me.::(:
  14. JTG

    JTG Bison Rider Tester

    Don't hug wall, grapple again and again when you have momentum and you can avoid touching a wall entirely, not to mention spikes have a delay, so you just have to move faster.
  15. Rocinante

    Rocinante Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Oh, no, I'm talking about franek's anti-grappling trampoline. See the video I posted above. Like I said, I'm not even concerned with tulvar's stone poop.

    EDIT: I managed to get over the trampoline but I had to add more stone to the top for maximum grappling surface. So, basically, in its original state it seems pretty solid.
  16. Ok, I remade the trampoline version. Same tile distances, bridge facing, even the same door position. The only difference was that somehow I got the trampoline exposed.

    Beat it with 2 grapple shots (although I'm fairly sure you could do it with 1)
  17. Rocinante

    Rocinante Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Well, fuck if I know how you did it. I had to add stone to the top to grapple over it. Oh well… I'd still take it over tulvar's tower any time. A vulnerability to Ejs isn't enough to render it useless.
  18. Bernhardt

    Bernhardt Builder Stabber

    Poor Tulvar didn't know what he was getting into, exposing himself like that.

    To blow this discussion out of proportion, I will say that we most likely will never find a design that will stop grappling completely, because Archers would get mad and push a nerf in.

    I think the idea will always be slowing down, not stopping.
  19. JTG

    JTG Bison Rider Tester

    Generally you want to just make it easy to remove the urchins from the walls
  20. Rocinante

    Rocinante Ballista Bolt Thrower

    I'm sure Tulvar had a good romp building his clay-footed giant and I can't take that away from Tulvar. Ej made my point weaker, but I just wanted to show that much simpler mechanisms can be successful.

    Franek's anti-archer tower with a sushimaking trap under it's door takes a fraction of the resources Tulvar used, it's effective, and it's hilarious.

    Combine: https://tinyurl.com/antiarchertower
    Bernhardt likes this.
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