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Story A Rumor of the Backstory of King Arthur's Gold

Discussion in 'KAG Media' started by Ninja12, Sep 24, 2012.

  1. Ninja12

    Ninja12 Haxor

    I thought of this while sleeping :p

    Back in the 1800's, Britain was a peaceful place. There were no wars, and no fights.
    But one day, new people from America came in, for revenge. The leader of the Americans went to the center of town, and announced that they will take over Britain. After King Arthur heard this, he was enraged. So he called forth his Elite Army. The Americans were planning on attacking on September 12th, 1809. They had a month to plan.....so they concocted a very nice little plan.
    It was September 12th, and the Americans started attacking by the tunnels. The Army was ready for this, so they blocked the tunnel off. Then the Americans tried to get to the Brits by catapult. The Brits did not see it coming, so the Americans started mass-killing some of the Army. After a while, some of the Army managed to counter attack, and regained their base. After more knights came in, they charged to the American's fort. After infiltrated by bomb, catapult, and foot, they started mass killing. And in the cover of all the war going on in the fort, the leader of the Americans went to King Arthur's castle. Due to the war, there were more guards then ever in the castle. The American Leader had suspected this, so he came with bombs, and he blew the guards up.
    After traveling in the castle for a bit, he found King Arthur's throne room. He went inside, and King Arthur was sitting in his throne. He crept behind Arthur's throne, and pulled out a knife and.....Ckkkkshhh.....he cut King Arthur's throat.
    The Brits had won the war, and so they retreated to the castle. Once one of the knights decided to tell Arthur, he went to his throne room. And in King Arthur's throne room, he found a dead body lying on the floor......

    This is my idea of the start of King Arthur's Gold, and now they're having multiple wars over and over again.

    My note to all you brave soldiers, keep fighting. Keep fighting to win. Stay strong, and represent your leader, King Arthur!
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2013
    SlyStalker likes this.
  2. Jim_Dale

    Jim_Dale Arsonist

    Slitting of the throat does not result in decapitation, and decapitation would completely defeat the purpose of slitting one's throat.
    Throat-slitting is the process of cutting open someone's jugular artery, which is found in the neck and brings blood to the brain. Generally used to dispose of people and animals quietly and quickly.

    Contrary to popular belief, decapitation is not as easy as it seems. For example, during the early stages of the French revolution, some executions were carried out with either a heavy two-handed sword or an axe, which would require a fast, strong overhead whack in order to supply the amount of force to satisfyingly behead the subject. Even then the executioner might fail and not completely sever the head, or end up with his sword lodged in the skull.

    One notable example was Margaret Pole, who required 10 (?) whacks to fully decapitate.

    However, since in the context of this... script... it appears that this was a ninja attack on the side of the Americans. An assassin would probably carry a long-bladed knife for this kind of job, so as to not arouse suspicion. The small size of the weapon as well as its low mass would also make it very hard, messy, and time-consuming to decapitate the king without anyone noticing. Decapitating someone with such a weapon would probably require several whacks (and invariably, sawing if the assassin became frustrated), each of which would tire out the assassin greatly and would increase his chances of being caught, as well as making him nervous and less careful.
  3. Shadowofgold

    Shadowofgold Haxor

    I think they're just a bunch of greedy people from opposite kingdoms fighting over wealth. :gold::p:gold:
    Froghead48 and SlyStalker like this.
  4. Ninja12

    Ninja12 Haxor

    ....It was an accident.........I'll fix it....if I can.
    SlyStalker likes this.
  5. SlyStalker

    SlyStalker Shopkeep Stealer

    nice idea but i cbf writing about my idea :p:D
  6. Froghead48

    Froghead48 Haxor

    Im pretty sure in the 1800's we were using Flintlock rifle's or something along those lines. ( 1610 was the first one, google'd it and checked a few sites :] )
    Also, king arthur was around the late 5'th and early 6'th century.

    Good story, anyway.