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About These Tunnels...

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by ffsff, Dec 6, 2013.


Should flag captors be able to use tunnels?

  1. Yes, they should be able to use their teams tunnels as a quick mode of transportation

  2. No, it is unfair/not cool that they can instantly travel to their base to capture the flag

Mods: Rainbows
  1. ffsff

    ffsff Haxor

    I have had a recent small problem with tunnels lately. whenever our flag is captured in CTF, our enemy usually has a tunnel nearby that connects to a tunnel in their base. This to me is seen as an unfair advantage. Although tunnels are a useful part in getting people out into battle, I think that it is unfair that the flag captor can use their teams tunnels to instantly travel to their base and capture the flag. Basically through all this I am saying that the captors of flags should not be able to use tunnels.

    Those Tunnels1.png Those Tunnels2.png Those Tunnels3.png

    Does anyone agree with me, or am I just being that "Stupid Noob"?

    Oh, and one other thing; is not being able to use a tunnel where you have to select which tunnel you want to travel to when you are holding anything with your hand a glitch? Or was that meant to be fixed, or what?
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2013
    Chromabird, Klokinator and hierbo like this.
  2. Klokinator

    Klokinator Such Beta
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    When I capture the flag, I love it, but it makes it way too easy IMO. The chase with enemies closing in on you is part of the rush, and tunnels kinda take away from that.

    /makes note for enhancement mod
  3. JoshTG

    JoshTG Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Yeah, that kind of bugs me

    I love doing a double horizontal jump and crushing the flag-napper half way across the map.
    Feels good man.
    hierbo and Contrary like this.
  4. Duplolas

    Duplolas So Sad

    Let me tell you a story all about how I turned a game flipped upside down.

    (No more Fresh Prince from this point on)

    It was on the I think largest CTF map that only has 1 flag on each side. Our team was getting dominated. There was no way we could win. Then, I was launched from a catapult over enemy lines. Escaped with my life and ended up hiding in a cave. After some furious digging as a knight, I tunneled under their base and came out on the other side. I found a builder workshop and switched classes. I did this because a thought popped into my head. Get enough wood and stone to build a tunnel to take back to our base and cap the flag as builder.

    So after getting enough stone I went back up to the surface for wood, where, two knights started chasing me down. I managed to wall myself off, but they dug back down after me. I ended up doing a complete circle by digging a vertical tunnel up. I then blocked all exits and had just enough stone to build a tunnel.

    After then getting enough wood I built a team tunnel, broke my way into their base, with only 1/2 a heart left. Took the tunnel back to our base. Then danced for a good minute out of pure amazement that I actually accomplished such an amazing feat. I then cap the flag with my teammates chanting Duplolas MVP, Duplolas #1, etc.

    The moral of this amazing story is that a tunnel allowed me to travel all the way across an entire map and win the game as a builder with 1/2 a heart. There was no way for them to catch me because they couldn't take our tunnel.

    What I would like to see is the re-implementation of the classic tunnel system. A neutral tunnel that anyone, on any team can travel through. Though, I would suggest either allowing for a gold upgrade that only allows teammates to use them, or having a damage based system where if they break the tunnel enough, then can then get in.
  5. Klokinator

    Klokinator Such Beta
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    In my enhancement mod, I intend to implement capturable tunnels, so instead of destroying an enemy tunnel, you can turn it to your own side. (Essentially making it part of your own tunnel system)

    Tunnels cost tons of stone and when they're destroyed they're a massive waste, so this will encourage mid-battles of epic proportions where people fight to control the tunnels to win the game.
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2013
  6. 8x

    8x Elimination Et Choix Traduisant la Realité Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    I do miss the feeature/bug that made possible tunnel cannons. You know, having 2 teleporters, go to the further as archer, get your grapplehook attached to a tile near and teleport, then, you woould be shot so hard and fast onwards. Devs could think about it being implemented as a feature, it was so funny, and harder to build than a chicken catapult, less efective. Hella and I had such a good time days before they removed it...
Mods: Rainbows