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Accelerating bug, prolly due to pc

Discussion in 'General Help' started by nginferno, Jun 10, 2011.

  1. nginferno

    nginferno Guest

    I've been having this ridiculous speedhack-ish bug when i close the program and turn it on again. Its like my pc decided to accelerate the whole program and made me go superspeed. I've also been getting this bug from playing the old counterstrike 1.6. Can someone help?
  2. HA1TER

    HA1TER Shopkeep Stealer

    Had same problems as you,happened a lot when i played on servers that are far away from my country...Something about sending too much packages,lag etc. I am now using Game Booster and i get much less lag and no more "speedhack" bug!Try it,maybe it will help you 2.Also try to clean your cookies,i am using CC cleaner to clean history and my registry!But make a backup when it ask you if you want it!