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Accidentaly clicked somthing :/

Discussion in 'General Help' started by Stickypwnage, Nov 5, 2011.

  1. Stickypwnage

    Stickypwnage Shipwright

    When i was trying to set up my joystick on my ipod for KAG i accidentally clicked main windows joystick driver or somthing (i cant remember exactly because i cant get back) and now i cannot move my cursor with my mouse.. i have tried unistalling it and everything but no good.. is there a file holding my settings somewhere i could change?
  2. Stickypwnage

    Stickypwnage Shipwright

    need help badly.. can't play and it's driving me mad
  3. SpruceMaroose

    SpruceMaroose Shipwright

    uninstall...reinstall? maybe that would help - delete any config files in the KAG folder too.
  4. illu

    illu En Garde! Donator Tester

    What you mean with "main windows joystick driver"? Was that a Windows message or something KAG specific?
    And just to be clear: You can't move your cursor with your mouse anymore. Only inside KAG (fullscreen or windowed?) or all the time?