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Account Discrepancy

Discussion in 'General Help' started by Dracula, Nov 8, 2011.

  1. Dracula

    Dracula Shipwright

    So I purchased KAG today and used my key to upgrade my KAG2D.com account to premium. It even says so in my account information now.

    So then I went to play in game and noticed my in-game account is still normal. After some investigating I realized... The account//password screen in the client is totally bogus. I can enter any name//password combo I want and it lets me into the game.

    Does anyone know why my KAG2D.com account has premium, and my KAG-Client ID does not? Im guessing the screwy login sequence in the client has something to do with it.
  2. JacKD

    JacKD Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Hi there,

    I believe this post might explain it http://kagdev.tumblr.com/post/12497397554/master-playing-up

    Seems that the master authentication server is down, so it lets anyone in so that people can at least play. The unfortunate consequence is that premium players can't be validated in the time being.

    So as soon as they resolve this problem, you'll get your premium account working :)
  3. LensTheReaper

    LensTheReaper Shipwright

    thank god i did something i dont normally do, look at the forums b4 contacting support, lol
    i was bout 30 sec away from emailing about my new premium account not giving me any premium stuff, o well, guess in the meantime i'll practice on normal so when i get my gold status i wont suck as much
    tnx JacKD :P