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account hacked

Discussion in 'General Help' started by Ranged66, Jan 20, 2012.

  1. Ranged66

    Ranged66 Bison Rider

    some1 hacked my account and put a pussy in the sig for some reason.
    i see this now whe are on the point of leaving to the airfield (vacation!).
    ill change it real quick.

    ok i removed it and changed my pass. bya all!
  2. dnmr

    dnmr Ministry of ban Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    uhh.. did you just have a very simple password and someone guessed it? If not, your email might be compromisd, as well as other stuff linked to it |:
    Noburu likes this.
  3. poe

    poe Shopkeep Stealer

    Possibly an issue with public wifi?
  4. Xiphosuran

    Xiphosuran Shopkeep Stealer

    I'd change your email password, too, and make sure that it's not compromised. Compromised email is worse than an individual account for anything being taken over by someone. It's linked to pretty much everything you use.
  5. Foxodi

    Foxodi KAG Guard Tester

    Yeah I use the same simple password for basically everything, except for my email.
  6. FliesLikeABrick

    FliesLikeABrick THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    I'll see about adding SSL certs to some of the sites for KAG just to help prevent any kinds of concerns with logins on kagforum.com and kag2d.com. I doubt it was stolen due to a lack of encryption, but since these accounts are tied to paid-for features/upgrades, they should be protected.
    Noburu, dnmr and trelawney like this.