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On Hold "Adachi" by Bunnie

Discussion in 'CTF' started by Ferrezinhre, Feb 6, 2021.

  1. Ferrezinhre

    Ferrezinhre Haxor Mapping Moderator Official Server Admin

    map name: bunnie_Adachi
    thread: https://forum.thd.vg/threads/bunnie_adachi.28791/
    --- Double Post Merged, Feb 8, 2021, Original Post Date: Feb 6, 2021 ---
    Good resource spread and flag position, for me mid have an issue or two, that severe lack of dirt ground don't know how it would play out. Moving around map in first ~10 minutes of match will heavily depends on team builders and thier skills, but that is my opinion. Ratting per se is impossible.
  2. Magmus

    Magmus Ballista Bolt Thrower Mapping Moderator Official Server Admin

    The flag positions are ok, resource spread is good also. I just agree that the game will heavely depend on builders to get trought the map, and not sure how that would play out in a real pub match. Maybe it will be frustating when you dont have a good builder to help you crossing, so im kinda conflicted.
  3. mehwaffle10

    mehwaffle10 Haxor Mapping Moderator Official Server Admin

    I like the idea of the map, which is surprising considering my general disposition against how builder dependent KAG is atm. That said, I don't think it would fly in a pub for the same reasons. I don't think we should allow maps in the official map pool that make it next to impossible to push as any class but builder (in the same department as cave maps that you can lock down super easily)
  4. Biurza

    Biurza E X T R A T H I C C Staff Alumni Donator
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    I think we could give it a try with next mapcycle update perhaps. Having one or two maps at a time which require different strategy/mindset is good imo. It's hit or miss, but I am willing to give it a try, fairly confident it would be pretty fun having different start of the match every time.
    I'm slightly concerned about the ceiling. It's the most important part of the map to control imo, so it might result in one team just stomping from there, but that's mostly just theory and we won't know for sure unless we try so it's a yes from me.
  5. Ferrezinhre

    Ferrezinhre Haxor Mapping Moderator Official Server Admin

    I have bothersome question so let us proceed. This phrase "Having one or two maps at a time which require different strategy/mindset " is rather vague, it can be said about almost all non flatish maps. So this "it would be pretty fun having different start of the match every time.", is unclear for me, I think it will be a stalemate map pretty often. If cycle updates would be more more frequent sure I would give it chance.
  6. Biurza

    Biurza E X T R A T H I C C Staff Alumni Donator
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    It means that in my opinion this map is significantly different from other maps in the mapcycle and having one or two maps like that in the cycle at a time is quite alright.
    And no, I don't think it can be said about any non-flat map. Most maps are rather repetitive, meaning that you have a few spots where towers and such would go. That doesn't mean they're identical and have identical start, but the structure placement more or less is similar from on match to another. Here however, I think it would be different. bottom part of the map gives space for lots of creativity imo, so as long as the ceiling doesn't present an issue, I think it would be fun and unusual map to play on.
    hope that clarifies it
  7. Ferrezinhre

    Ferrezinhre Haxor Mapping Moderator Official Server Admin

    I think it's can get this one chance, still I don't think it's map for official cycle.
  8. mehwaffle10

    mehwaffle10 Haxor Mapping Moderator Official Server Admin

    I agree that it's good to have fresh and unique maps, but I don't think this should be one of them. I'm still against it for the official cycle.