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addBlob frustration.

Discussion in 'Server Help' started by crisslion, Dec 7, 2012.

  1. crisslion

    crisslion Catapult Fodder

    Hello, last couple of weeks i have been playing around kag dedicated servers and still my brains aren't useful enough to figure out why only addBlob command doesn't work. All other commands work fine, like waterLevel(); and addBot(); and banning, freezing etc. I tried on 2 pc and now on linux, same thing.

    When I get on the server, I login as rcon admin and then tried:
    • /rcon addBlob('keg','Entities/Items/keg.cfg',50,50,1);
    • /rcon addBlob('keg', 'Entities/Items/keg.cfg', 50, 50, 1);
    • /rcon addBlob('Keg', 'Entities/Items/keg.cfg', 50, 50, 1);
    • addBlob('keg', 'Entities/Items/keg.cfg', 50, 50, 1);
    first three returned only rcon echo and the last one didn't return anything(Tried all variations with letter casings and / and \ slash, " " and ' ' ). Curiously this:​
    • /rcon addBlob('keg','Entities/Items/keg.cfg');
    still returned the same echo and no action. Only when there were a bad syntax console spew out a lot of errors. I am completely confused, more so because I have typed in all the examples from numerous other posts about zombie spawning keg spawning etc. etc. and all just echo out the same thing I typed in. I start to think I have caught some kind of curse from all those griefers that I have verbally sent to the doctors office to implant some brains and remove manly parts. :oops:
    Additional info:​
    • gold in game config ENABLED
    • modes tried: zombie, ctf, fullCTF.
    • Tried from same pc as the server is on and from laptop that connects to linux server.
    • Problem harder for me than fighting bears while solving discrete mathematics problems.
  2. Downburst

    Downburst Mindblown Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    It's ` not ' ;) and the file is named Keg.cfg, not keg.cfg

    /rcon addBlob(`keg`, `Entities/items/Keg.cfg`, 100, 100, 1);
    crisslion likes this.
  3. crisslion

    crisslion Catapult Fodder

    My pixel mind is blown :eek: , there is that kind of string encapsulation, Those little buggers almost cost me my pc :skull: , must unlearn c++ and buy monitor where i can see the difference.
    It worked perfectly Thank you! You are the best! :thumbs_up: