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Alt+tab from the game

Discussion in 'General Help' started by BorderKeeper, Aug 17, 2012.

  1. BorderKeeper

    BorderKeeper Tree Planter

    Hey guys sometimes when the tickets ran out or when the flood comes I tend to alt+tab out of the game to do something else to keep me busy. But the problem is that sometimes the screen crops or moves a little bit down.

    I noticed two ways:
    1. Screen moves to the top left corner resulting in me not able to see chat and the UI displaying materials.
    2. Screen move down which makes a dark yellow box on the top of the screen and cropping the bottom. If I keep then alt tabing the box doubles everytime I do so.

    Also this problem is more irritating when you have more than one monitor. I sometimes as an archer move my cursor over the primary screen and when click it tabs out again.

    I hope this helps ;)
  2. MCrypa

    MCrypa Haxor

    If this post was meant as a bug report, then I'd like to direct you to this site.
    This is the correct place to report bugs/problems with the game.
  3. I have reported this as bug #702
    Only difference is that I have a blue banner at the top and only moves downwards.