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Alt Tab makes the screen go weird.

Discussion in 'General Help' started by SunNoise, Nov 12, 2011.

  1. SunNoise

    SunNoise Shipwright

    I don't know if this glitch has been submitted, but I searched and didn't find anything about alt tab so I made this.

    OK, so with that out of the way, the problem is that when i Alt-Tab and get into the game again the game screen moves and it stays like that until i restart the game. So what happens is that theres suddenly a blue bar on top above the game screen and the game screen starts at like 50-100 pixels below the top and it won't let you see the messages in the lower part of the game.

    My settings are Fullscreen.
    In-game res: 1024*768
    My screen res: 1280*800

    I'll upload pictures in a moment.

    Some more pictures so you know what's going on and showing how every time i alt tab, it gets lower and lower

    Attached Files: