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any minez'rs?

Discussion in 'Other games' started by firejelle1, Nov 25, 2012.

Mods: BlueLuigi
  1. firejelle1

    firejelle1 Shipwright

    Just wondering if there are some minez players out there :3
  2. mcrifel

    mcrifel Haxor Staff Alumni Tester
    1. MIST

    Couple years later.....

    Yes minez is epic! I play it a ton, for anybody who doesn't know what minez is,

    Minez is a custom made minecraft minigame. Its basically dayz + minecraft, hence the name minez.

    There is a giant handcrafted map with towns and structures to explore whilst enhanced zombies are everywhere. You can't build or break blocks like in normal minecraft and you have a thirst meter which displays as your xp bar.
    More mechanics include bleeding and disease.
    You can come across other players and kill them or from a team. There are multiple dungeons which are very fun and challenging. A bunch of custom mobs like giants which are hard to kill but can give you a great reward.
    If you want to know how the map looks like or get familiar with it go to http://minezmap.com/

    You spawn along the south coast and the more you head up north the more dangerous it becomes and the better loot you will find. You start with some basic gear like a wooden sword, leather chestplate, water bottle, paper(bandage) and an endereye. Let me go over each item one by one.

    Sword and Chestplate act like normal
    the paper or bandage when used heals a small amount of health and can stop bleeding.
    Water bottle, you need this to keep up your thirst bar.
    ender eye, use it to safely logout (you can also just do /logout) and use the chat for the entire server since if you would chat normally only people close to you will hear it.

    Once you spawned in you can go where ever you like, explore new towns, do dungeons, form alliances, become a bandit, become a healer, go hunting for legendary items and a lot more.

    As a side note there has also been released a minez 2. Minez 2 is considered as a failure however it too can be quite fun. The mechanics are almost the same as minez but it has a lot more.
    if you want to take a look at the minez 2 map then go here: http://minezmap.com/

    Some screenshots of the game:
    2014-07-11_14.23.53.png 2014-10-04_15.39.36.png 2015-12-01_22.11.35.png 2015-11-28_19.17.55.png

    Attached Files:

    tigorsun likes this.
Mods: BlueLuigi