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any way to tweak the server list?

Discussion in 'General Help' started by stinkytaco, Dec 19, 2011.

  1. stinkytaco

    stinkytaco Shipwright

    My server list really is random. I hit refresh and things that where at the bottom are now at the top.

    When i try to get the preview of the servers, I get nothing most of the time on the top 3 servers listed.

    Is there some other application I can use to see the server list with proper ping and the playercount? Xfire perhaps?

    A long time ago i was able to use "The all seeing eye" with Soldat, that way you can see the servers that are just bots, and the lame zombie servers.

    Is there some other type of application for KOG?
    What do the Linux players use? maybe there is some sourcecode i can compile?

    Thanks in advanced for any help :)

    i bought the full version of this game, and my friend is going to buy it later today :)
    i want to get some "favorite" servers together so we can play together, on fun , populated servers.
    Foxodi likes this.
  2. goodyman8

    goodyman8 Bison Rider

    And by default its based on ping,and the ping keeps on changing so every refresh brings another to the top.
    No application i know of,but if you know what server is crowded/good ping you can add it to the favorites list in your KAG folder.
  3. stinkytaco

    stinkytaco Shipwright

    Thank you very much Goodyman8!

    I see the text file, and the server cache. How do i add a server to the favorites list? I mean , what is the proper syntax?

    Also on the ingame server browser I see little Stars. i was thinking this is how you tag favorites, but when i add the star, it vanishes next time I try to play.
  4. goodyman8

    goodyman8 Bison Rider

    Ill try to get some info by testing it out and will edit the post once i get your info.
    Edit:Might take a bit longer then expected due to some weird text in my 'Server'
  5. stinkytaco

    stinkytaco Shipwright

    Thanks !!! looking forward to it :)