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Aphelion's Servers

Discussion in 'Server Directory' started by Aphelion, Nov 9, 2013.

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  1. Aphelion

    Aphelion Wunderkind Donator
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    Aphelion's ROLEPLAY
    The most unique and greatest Roleplay. Featuring a Diplomacy system, and a huge amount of new content.

    "Pick a race, Build a base. Start an Alliance or declare war using the Diplomacy system!"

    Mod created by Aphelion3371, Potions by Strathos

    Server #1:
    Location: Chicago, USA
    Max Players: 20

    Server #2:
    Location: California, USA
    Max Players: 16


    • No griefing, hacking, etc.
    • No spamming
    • Most of all, be respectful to other players!
    Please visit the Social Forum for:
    • Ban appeals and the discussion of bans
    • Admin applications and a list of existing Admins
    • Submitting your Suggestions and Ideas
    • Major server discussion
    • Information on how to donate and the benefits of donating
    In order to view any of the content you will need to click on the red "Join Social Forum" button.
    Aphelion's CTF Server
    Location: USA
    Max Players: 20
    Maps: Default

    Aphelion's CTF with Mages
    Ever wanted to play as a Mage?

    Location: USA
    Max Players: 14
    Maps: Default (+ Gorge)

    This mod introduces the Combat triangle.

    Knights are powerful against Archers.
    Archers are powerful against Mages.
    Mages are powerful against Knights.

    The Mage
    is most effective in a group, they are vulnerable to Archers as they cannot shield against Arrows and are ineffective at dispatching Orbs over great distances. Mages are effective against Knights as Orbs knock them back and melt their armor.

    Orbs are ammunition. There is a 3 second interval between each shot.

    Regular orb:
    Cost: 20C for 20
    Speed: Medium
    Damage: 1/2 Heart

    Water orb:
    Cost: 20C for 2
    Speed: Fast
    Damage: None
    Stuns enemies.

    Healing orb:
    Cost: 30C for 2
    Speed: Very Fast
    Damage: None
    Heals injured team mates 2 hearts. Essentially the Fire arrow of the Mage.

    Bomb orb:
    Cost: 50C for 1
    Speed: Slow
    Damage: 2 Hearts

    At close range orbs will knockback Knights. Archers are immune as they don't sit in clunky metal that orbs can melt.

    Holding down the right mouse button will make you Invisible temporarily, while invisible you are swifter. You are not invisible on the Minimap and any extra objects attached to you will be visible (flags, arrows etc.). There is a lengthy recharge time.

    Note that all of the current class "Abilities" are related in some way to transport. Gliding, grappling and with Invisibility you can move safely and swiftly.



    Last edited: Jan 28, 2014
  2. Klokinator

    Klokinator Such Beta
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    I was recently made an admin on his server, so I intend to be a good one and set a good example. Hopefully now that I can ban griefers and etc there won't be as many people doing dumb crap and pissing me off. Be warned, I don't tolerate cheating!

    Can't wait for that problem with modded servers to get fixed, so we can finally start adding some fresh maps to the rotation. I'm gonna make some Aphelion-Only maps here real soon.
  3. Echo14

    Echo14 Catapult Fodder

    I was banned today around 1530PDT and was not given any reason as to why. I was a builder the whole map, building fortifications around the flags and setting up tunnels for quick travel.. I play often on this server and love the custom maps and would like to continue to keep playing here. Again, I was given no warning or reason. Please let me know what we can do together to resolve this.
  4. Klokinator

    Klokinator Such Beta
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    I banned someone in error yesterday in the middle of a heated match. I saw two people griefing and banned one guy because I specifically saw him grief a tower, then I saw in the chatlog someone had made a collapse of 600+ blocks on a team and thought that was the second guy who was griefing. If that was you, I apologize. Doesn't help that the ACP is a bit clunky in its current format.

    Also I don't like 3 day bans. I'd prefer 7 day bans instead of 3, because 3 days is piddly piss and a griefer will just come back and grief when those three days are up. A whole week is more lasting and has a longer psychological effect. Personally though I will ban people for varying lengths depending on perceived intent and amount of damage caused.

    1. Guy starts digging out a couple doors, then moves on to another couple doors, with no perceived reason. I freeze him and ask why he's doing that. If I get a "I don't know lol im just new" response, I'll tell him what griefing is and that it isn't tolerated. I will then unfreeze him, and pretend to go on my way as if I don't care. Once offscreen I may switch to spectator mode and see if he's griefing again. If he is, and I deem it to be relatively minor, I will tell him again "no grieifing" and then ban him for a day.

    2. Guy digs out under the flag and puts spikes. This is a very blatant attempt to set a team back, annoy them, and make them lose. I personally do not tolerate this and I will immediately freeze him and ban him for 3 days.

    3. Guy throws keg in base/causes huge collapses in base. This is extreme griefing and should have a zero tolerance policy. If I see someone doing this, I'm immediately freezing him or permabanning him, especially if in the middle of a heated match. EXCEPTION: If a match is clearly won (Ie: We have all their flags and are just loling around the base) and peoplestart tossing kegs, then it's completely fine to destroy the base as a way of saying "lol we already won". Heck I do this too.

    Right now there are maybe two servers with admins that punish griefers. Griefing is a serious issue and needs to be dealt with. If someone griefs majorly and I permaban them for it, they are free to post in this thread and explain their actions. In the case of echo it was a heated match (IIRC and yeah I know who you are so that was my bad) so I made a split second decision. I'm sorry for the confusion. That being said, posting in this thread and asking for an unban takes only a few minutes and we're fine with unbanning people when it comes to that.

    But I think we can all agree that there needs to be a serious policy against griefers, especially those that destroy whole bases. I don't tolerate it, and I think permanent bans for those particular individuals aren't uncalled for. Call it admin abuse if you want, but frankly I'd rather play on a zero tolerance server than one that doesn't give a shit. Which is, by the way, 98% of the other servers. If people don't like the zero tolerance server, then they can go to other ones. And I think most legitimate players would prefer a zero tolerance server anyway.
  5. Echo14

    Echo14 Catapult Fodder

    Hey guys, thanks for the reply and thanks for the unban Klokinator. I felt it had to be in error and I'm glad this is the case. I also agree that griefing should be taken seriously and agree with your zero tolerance policy. Thanks again.
  6. Trogar

    Trogar Tree Planter

    I like this server, been having lots of fun on it :)
  7. Duplolas

    Duplolas So Sad

    Fun server, @Aphelion3371 lags on it pretty bad though... ::):

    Good server nonetheless.
  8. Klokinator

    Klokinator Such Beta
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    Some mods we're looking at getting on the server can be found in the Items+ thread. Take note that no mods will be added until the devs sort out how to make modded servers significantly more visible to the general public.
  9. Aphelion

    Aphelion Wunderkind Donator
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    A new CTF server will be online tomorrow (or in a few days), featuring my Mage class mod.
    This mod will introduce the Combat triangle.

    Knights will be powerful against Archers.
    Archers will be powerful against Mages.
    Mages will be powerful against Knights.

    The Mage
    is most effective in a group, they are vulnerable to Archers as they cannot shield against Arrows and are ineffective at dispatching Orbs over great distances. Mages are effective against Knights as Orbs knock them back and melt their armor.

    Orbs are ammunition. There is a 3 second interval between each shot.

    Regular orb:
    Cost: 20C for 20
    Speed: Medium
    Damage: 1 Heart
    Knockback: 25% chance of knockback to knights.

    Water orb:
    Cost: 20C for 2
    Speed: Fast
    Damage: None
    Stuns enemies.

    Healing orb:
    Cost: 30C for 2
    Speed: Very Fast
    Damage: None
    Heals injured team mates 1 heart. Essentially the Fire arrow of the Mage.

    Bomb orb:
    Cost: 80C for 1
    Speed: Slow
    Damage: 3 Hearts
    Knockback: 100% chance of knockback to knights.

    If Knights attempt to shield against orbs they will be knocked back (only if shot close to the knight). Archers are immune as they don't sit in clunky metal that orbs can melt.

    Holding down the right mouse button will make you Invisible temporarily, while invisible you are swifter. You are not invisible on the Minimap and any extra objects attached to you will be visible (flags, arrows etc.). There is a lengthy recharge time.

    Note that all of the current class "Abilities" are related in some way to transport. Gliding, grappling and with Invisibility you can move safely and swiftly.



    Last edited: Dec 15, 2013
  10. Trogar

    Trogar Tree Planter

    Cool, I love playing as wizards in games. Looking forward to showing foolz my UNLIMITED POWER!
  11. Microsoft

    Microsoft Catapult Fodder

    Reminds me of runescape of the combat triangle
  12. Klokinator

    Klokinator Such Beta
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    I've been helping him with balance, and right now it's ridiculously fun to play as. Note that there will be changes to the vanilla classes and there will be new dynamics to work with, but these will be tweaked over time until they're at the optimal level.
  13. Kramgnauh

    Kramgnauh Bison Rider

    gg man gg >_<
  14. Aphelion

    Aphelion Wunderkind Donator
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    CTF with Mages server online!
  15. Auburn

    Auburn Prepare Yourself! Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Donator Tester
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    Auburn's list of possible fixes:
    -Make it more obvious which orb belongs to which team when fired, it's kinda hard to tell who's is who's
    -Tone down the sound on firing orbs so you can't hear it across the map
    -I noticed a lot of mages spamming orbs and creating a shield around themselves that made it hard to hit mages with arrows, or just about anything getting near them. maybe limit them to firing 3-5 at a time to prevent all the spam.
  16. Klokinator

    Klokinator Such Beta
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    I was gonna wait until I saw a public server before suggesting anything else, but I too thought that 7 onscreen (sometimes 8) was too much. I think that there should be a hard limit of 4, and creating a 5th would destroy the earliest one made instantly, same for next created orb and etc.
  17. Echo14

    Echo14 Catapult Fodder

    Please return the gravity to normal on the non-modded server. It's kills the game.
  18. Aphelion

    Aphelion Wunderkind Donator
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    I never changed it, but I've fixed it.
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2013
  19. Klokinator

    Klokinator Such Beta
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    If it's -non modded-, the gravity shouldn't be affected. Because it's non modded. Because it's vanilla.
  20. Echo14

    Echo14 Catapult Fodder

    Aphelion, what website did you say you use when you make maps to mirror the sides?
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