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KAG API Errors

Discussion in 'Server Help' started by empirebattles, Jul 30, 2013.

  1. empirebattles

    empirebattles Shipwright

    I was reading here

    It looks like i have the same error
    I'm running on a linux VPS, and had classic running for several months. After i tried updating, now neither beta NOR classic works (both have same errors)

    [10:03:26] Precaching files...
    Precaching files.
    [10:03:26]  ...Precaching files.
    [10:03:26] Loading config defines Scripts/defines.cfg
    [10:03:26] Creating world from file ''
    [10:03:26] Loading names from Scripts/NameGen_OldEnglish.cfg...
    [10:03:26] Server created on 0:50301
    [10:03:41] WARNING: An issue was encountered while detecting the server's external IPv4/IPv6 address(es).  API: -1, Additional:cURL Error in determineOutboundIPv6Address(): Timeout was reached
    [10:03:41] Loading security from Base/Security/securitysetup.cfg
    [10:03:41] Whitelist inactive.
    [10:03:41] Loading blacklist from Base/Security/blacklist.cfg
    [10:03:41] Blacklist empty.
    [10:03:41] Loading ignorelist from Base/Security/ignorelist.cfg
    [10:03:41] Ignorelist empty.
    [10:03:41] Config file not found 'Security/seclevs.cfg'
    [10:03:41] Loading security levels from Security/seclevs.cfg...
    [10:03:41] Loading default security levels
    [10:03:41] name = Rcon
    [10:03:41] ID = 0
    [10:03:41] users =
    [10:03:41] roles = rcon;
    [10:03:41] commands = ALL;
    [10:03:41] features = admin_color; always_change_team; ban_immunity; editor; freeze_immunity; ignore_immunity; join_full; kick_immunity; map_vote; mark_any_team; mark_player; mute_immunity; name_mouseover; pingkick_immunity; silent_rcon; skip_votewait; spectator; view_collapses; view_console; view_rcon;
    [10:03:41] assign =
    [10:03:41] name = KAG Staff
    [10:03:41] ID = 1
    [10:03:41] users =
    [10:03:41] roles = kagstaff;
    [10:03:41] commands = ban; banhost; banid; freezeid; help; kick; kickhid; kickhost; kickid; list; listbans; login; msg; mute; muteid; nextmap; players; restartmap; swapid; unban; unbanhost; unfreezeid; unmute; unmuteid;
    [10:03:41] features = always_change_team; ban_immunity; freeze_immunity; join_full; kick_immunity; map_vote; mark_any_team; mark_player; mute_immunity; name_mouseover; pingkick_immunity; skip_votewait; spectator; view_collapses; view_rcon;
    [10:03:41] assign =
    [10:03:41] name = Guard
    [10:03:41] ID = 2
    [10:03:41] users =
    [10:03:41] roles = guard;
    [10:03:41] commands = ban; banhost; banid; freezeid; help; kick; kickhid; kickhost; kickid; list; listbans; login; players; swapid; unban; unbanhost; unfreezeid; unmute; unmuteid;
    [10:03:41] features = always_change_team; freeze_immunity; join_full; map_vote; mark_any_team; mark_player; mute_immunity; name_mouseover; pingkick_immunity; skip_votewait; spectator; view_collapses;
    [10:03:41] assign =
    [10:03:41] name = Normal
    [10:03:41] ID = 3
    [10:03:41] users =
    [10:03:41] roles =
    [10:03:41] commands = help; list; login;
    [10:03:41] features = map_vote; mark_player; spectator;
    [10:03:41] assign =
    [10:03:41] Server activated.
    [10:03:41] Loading game rules from Rules/RTDM/gamemode.cfg...
    [10:03:41] Loaded team 0 'GUI/emblem1.png'
    [10:03:41]  Loaded team 0 class 0 'GUI/knight_icon.png'
    [10:03:41]  Loaded team 0 class 1 'GUI/archer_icon.png'
    [10:03:41] Loaded team 1 'GUI/emblem2.png'
    [10:03:41]  Loaded team 1 class 0 'GUI/knight_icon.png'
    [10:03:41]  Loaded team 1 class 1 'GUI/archer_icon.png'
    [10:03:41] Loading blob config from Entities/Actors/Skeleton.cfg...
    [10:03:41] Loading blob config from Entities/Actors/Greg.cfg...
    [10:03:41] Loading blob config from Entities/Actors/Zombie.cfg...
    [10:03:41] Loading blob config from Entities/Actors/ZombieKnight.cfg...
    [10:03:41] Loading blob config from Entities/Actors/Bison.cfg...
    [10:03:41] Loading blob config from Entities/Actors/Migrant.cfg...
    [10:03:41] Loading blob config from Entities/Actors/Wraith.cfg...
    [10:03:41] Loading blob config from Entities/Rooms/Portal.cfg...
    [10:03:41] Loading blob config from Entities/Rooms/Sandbox_Room.cfg...
    [10:03:41] Loading blob config from Entities/Rooms/Zombie_Room.cfg...
    [10:03:41] Loading blob config from Entities/Rooms/CTF_Room.cfg...
    [10:03:41] Loading blob config from Entities/Rooms/FullCTF_Room.cfg...
    [10:03:41] Loading blob config from Entities/Effects/Light.cfg...
    [10:03:41] Loading blob config from Entities/Structures/Door.cfg...
    [10:03:41] Loading blob config from Entities/Structures/Pulley.cfg...
    [10:03:41] Loading blob config from Entities/Items/Crate.cfg...
    [10:03:41] Loading blob config from Entities/Items/Lantern.cfg...
    [10:03:41] Loading blob config from Entities/Items/TreasureChest.cfg...
    [10:03:41] Loading blob config from Entities/Items/Boulder.cfg...
    [10:03:41] Loading blob config from Entities/Items/Keg.cfg...
    [10:03:41] Loading blob config from Entities/Items/Rope.cfg...
    [10:03:41] Loading blob config from Entities/Managers/ZombieDirector.cfg...
    [10:03:41] Loaded RTDM default config
    [10:03:41] Config finished loading from Scripts/Server/dedicated_autostart.gm
    [10:03:41] *Match Ended*
    [10:03:42] WARNING: API call failed: serverPort or serverAddress not present for putStatus()
    [10:03:42] WARNING: API call failed: serverPort or serverAddress not present for putMinimapPNG()
    [10:03:44]        ********* WARNING *********
    [10:03:44] sv_allow_globals_mods is set to 1. This means GLOBAL GUARDS AND ADMINS can administer your server and kick players to help prevent griefing. If you do not accept this, please turn this variable to 0.
    [10:03:44] Server variables can be changed in Base/Scripts/dedicated_autoconfig.gm (by default)
    [10:03:52] WARNING: API call failed: serverPort or serverAddress not present for putStatus()
    [10:04:02] WARNING: API call failed: serverPort or serverAddress not present for putStatus()
    [10:04:12] WARNING: API call failed: serverPort or serverAddress not present for putStatus()
    [10:04:22] WARNING: API call failed: serverPort or serverAddress not present for putStatus()
    [10:04:32] WARNING: API call failed: serverPort or serverAddress not present for putStatus()

    results of suggested commands
    ip -6 ro sh
    default dev venet0  metric 1  expires 9166552sec mtu 1500 advmss 1440 hoplimit 4294967295
    ip -6 addr sh
    1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 16436
        inet6 ::1/128 scope host
          valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

    I assume i need to tell my hosts to disable the ipv6? I just want to make sure :)


    (also, side note: zombies is only playable with friends in classic, right?--asked this in IRC, but want to make sure)
  2. master4523

    master4523 Masterful KAG Guard Global Moderator Tester
    1. PumpkinStars - [Pk#] - Inactive

    Hello, can you paste the content of Base/Scripts/dedicated_autoconfig.gm?

    Yes, zombies are only in classic for now