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Archer bots?

Discussion in 'Server Help' started by W1fuc0d3, Apr 3, 2012.

  1. W1fuc0d3

    W1fuc0d3 Catapult Fodder

    Please help me I can`t get archer bots ... they allways are knights all. And I can`t locate the bots.cfg
  2. fishfinger73

    fishfinger73 Haxor

    You can locate bots.cfg by searching your KAG folder or just search the file itself.
  3. nzrock

    nzrock Shipwright

    You know that's not in the game >_>
    Only way is to add via the RCON console or dedicated_autostart.gm.
    Frankly the default archer bot is stupid atm, it has targeting problem so it doesn't fire it's arrows much, nor does it gather arrow from trees or buy arrows from arrow shops.
    Now if only there was a way to port the AI from the zombie fortress...