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Discussion in 'Reports for Abusive Players/Cheaters' started by JacKD, Sep 27, 2012.

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  1. JacKD

    JacKD Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Server: U13 USEast 48 slot FullCTF Gold

    Time: post time

    [18:48:09] Unnamed player is now known as archerthing
    [18:48:10] archerthing has joined Blue Team
    [18:49:14] * archerthing * has been voted to be kicked by JacKD (1/2)
    [18:49:40] <JacKD> greifer
    [18:50:00] <JacKD> hat are yu doingwhat are you doing?
    [18:50:17] <JacKD> what are you doing? stop
    [18:50:19] <JacKD> greifer
    [18:50:34] <JacKD> stop griefing!
    [18:50:46] <JacKD> STOP!
    [18:52:19] <JacKD> im reporting you fag
    [18:53:10] <archerthing> that was a bad building
    [18:54:15] New player joined the game
    [18:54:15] Unnamed player is now known as pistolsforpandas
    [18:54:15] pistolsforpandas has joined Red Team
    [18:54:21] <pistolsforpandas> ello
    [18:54:23] JacKD has joined Red Team
    [18:54:26] <JacKD> hello
    [18:54:30] <archerthing> hi
    [18:54:59] huck_mb left the game
    [18:55:37] New player joined the game
    [18:55:37] Unnamed player is now known as huck_mb
    [18:55:37] huck_mb has joined Blue Team
    [18:56:00] New player joined the game
    [18:56:00] Unnamed player is now known as iwilldestroyyou
    [18:56:01] iwilldestroyyou has joined Blue Team
    [18:56:15] iwilldestroyyou left the game
    [18:56:16] New player joined the game
    [18:56:16] Unnamed player is now known as iwilldestroyyou
    [18:56:16] iwilldestroyyou has joined Blue Team
    [18:58:22] New player joined the game
    [18:58:22] Unnamed player is now known as Manel
    [18:58:23] Manel has joined Red Team
    [18:59:07] <archerthing> guys JackD is most likely hacking
    [18:59:56] <Manel> Hey
    [19:00:18] <pistolsforpandas> ellop
    [19:00:39] <JacKD> dude, you griefed blue's base last game, now you are takling thrash about me? i got you on video and im reporting you right now ;)
    [19:00:53] <archerthing> Very good job
    [19:01:11] <archerthing> and if you didnt notice i killed the opponent two times to finsh the game off
    [19:01:35] <archerthing> For your information trash talking does not include my words "JackD is most likely hacking"
    [19:02:58] <JacKD> whatever dude, you are a griefer and you're being reported ;)
    [19:03:07] <archerthing> Very well
    [19:03:21] <Manel> grieffer
    [19:03:33] <archerthing> It doesnt matter because in the end, youve proved nothing to guards or devs
    [19:03:36] <pistolsforpandas> i made that tower :P i was testing something
    [19:03:53] <JacKD> i got you on video, that's enough proof
    [19:04:03] <archerthing> But does that prove anything?
    [19:04:09] <JacKD> yes it does :)
    [19:04:12] <archerthing> If i was doing nothing during that time
    [19:04:26] <JacKD> you were destroying the tower
    [19:04:47] <JacKD> i recorded you since you started hitting the tower, right to the omment when it fell
    [19:04:48] <archerthing> In what ways. Please elaborate.
    [19:04:54] <JacKD> hahahah
    [19:05:20] <pistolsforpandas> lol?
    [19:05:22] New player joined the game
    [19:05:22] Unnamed player is now known as jakepup12
    [19:05:22] jakepup12 has joined Blue Team
    [19:05:40] <archerthing> And the tower didnt even fall
    [19:05:50] Manel left the game
    [19:05:59] <JacKD> hahahaha well, the video shows otherwise
    [19:06:11] New player joined the game
    [19:06:11] Unnamed player is now known as Anselme
    [19:06:11] Anselme has joined Red Team
    [19:06:13] <archerthing> Okay, thats very good
    [19:06:36] <archerthing> One thing to point out is also the fact that video recording requires a camera to already in place
    [19:06:39] <jakepup12> AHAHAHAH
    [19:06:52] New player joined the game
    [19:06:52] Unnamed player is now known as Blaast
    [19:06:53] Blaast has joined Red Team
    [19:07:03] <JacKD> hahahah you are obviously new to computers dude
    [19:07:14] <jakepup12> who me?
    [19:07:18] <JacKD> anyways, the video is up on youtube, gotta finish my report ;)
    [19:07:24] <archerthing> Yes please describe what 0110
    [19:07:27] <archerthing> is in binary
    [19:07:30] <JacKD> no, archerthing, that guy is a griefer
    [19:07:49] <jakepup12> noob
    [19:07:54] <archerthing> If you answer completletely to the best of your knowledge then Ill give you your next question

    I have 2 other video (30 sec each) of him destroying the tower. After that I was writing this report and he said that I was "most likely hacking", which is nonsense as I've never hacked and impossible as I was AFK during that time xD.
  2. Furai

    Furai THD Team THD Team Administrator

    Issued short 2 day ban.
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