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Attack/Defend gamemode

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by TROPICALear5, Dec 2, 2014.


do you like defending or attacking

  1. attacking

    2 vote(s)
  2. defending

    4 vote(s)
Mods: Rainbows
  1. TROPICALear5

    TROPICALear5 Shopkeep Stealer

    A suggestion; I think a good new game mode for KAG would be an attack/defend. basically red team would defend and build a castle but blue would attack and try to capture a flag or some other crap like that.
    it wouldn't be like TTH because blue team cant build, however red team can because they are defending.

    BLUE TEAM: yes, builders are allowed, however they cannot place blocks except ladders and a maximum of 2 wooden doors(for tunnelling) and yes they can destroy blocks.they can also make workshops. instead of a team tent it could be a siege camp which includes shops: archer, knight, builders, quarters. there would also be a workshop for building catapults and boats, etc. NOTE: the workshops(NOT SHOPS) can be destroyed and rebuilt.

    RED TEAM:for red team they get default settings such as placing blocks and making shops. they are given a whole 3 minutes to build a castle. archers and knights are also allowed in case of breaches in the castle or if they are brave the knights can jump out of the fort and attack blues. archers could also jump out or be wise and stick to the walls and platforms of the castle.
  2. mcrifel

    mcrifel Haxor Staff Alumni Tester
    1. MIST

    The problem i see with this is that matches will take for ever!
  3. Shadowor

    Shadowor Shark Slayer

    @voper45 made a similar mod where one team's goal is to destroy all the power cores (hall like things), while the other team defends them. Everyone can build anything, the attacker team has a border which only they can pass. The defenders could teleport between the cores. The objectives can be destroyed by explosion or builder's pickaxe. It has nice HUDs and an awesome texture pack, it had even re-worked ballistas as tanks. Leo used to host it.
  4. 101i

    101i Haxor Forum Moderator Tester

  5. Hallic

    Hallic Haxor

    Basicly Siege mode. Has been of the radar of developments for years now i think?
  6. TROPICALear5

    TROPICALear5 Shopkeep Stealer

    but this will be different: attacking a castle or defending it, a single location.
    --- Double Post Merged, Dec 4, 2014, Original Post Date: Dec 3, 2014 ---
    Doesn't every match?
Mods: Rainbows