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Background won't load :<

Discussion in 'General Help' started by MCrypa, May 27, 2012.

  1. MCrypa

    MCrypa Haxor

    Yes, I am currently in work on an overall texturepack of KAG.
    Unfortunately, I can't seem to change the background. It will just stay a blue sky.
    I think I've done something, but I don't know what.
    The background doesn't seem to load at all. Not even if I change it back to the original.
  2. WarrFork

    WarrFork フォーク Donator Tester

    Check if your background is in .png
    I already make a mistake and put a .jpeg, the game just don't load it.
  3. MCrypa

    MCrypa Haxor

    Yeah, they are .png
  4. WarrFork

    WarrFork フォーク Donator Tester

    Also, you have in settings, video: Faster graphics.
    If it's checked, uncheck it.
  5. MCrypa

    MCrypa Haxor

    Oh.. tyvm good sir :D