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Ban "glitch"?

Discussion in 'General Help' started by Xiphosuran, Jan 16, 2012.

  1. Xiphosuran

    Xiphosuran Shopkeep Stealer

    A little more than an hour ago, I was able to play any server just fine. I just recently opened the game up again to play some multiplayer, and I tried connecting to a game. The game was really laggy and nearly empty, so I left it. I tried joining another, more populated sever, only to be told I was banned. I tried a ton of other servers, only to find out that I was "banned" from all of them.

    I find it hard to believe that I was banned from all the servers in the game, so I've come here to find a workaround or to find out what's wrong, haha.
  2. Trojan

    Trojan Shipwright

    Are you sharing connection with other people? When connection isn't stable or you have too high ping on server you get auto kicked and banned for few mins(not sure how long it lasts but it's something around 5-60mins).
  3. MechaTrickster

    MechaTrickster Banned Donator

    When your PING is to high you will be autobanned by the server. Also your ping is what made the game so laggy for you.
    Don't worry all bans reset when the server is reset.

    Noburu likes this.
  4. kiro

    kiro Garde KAG Donator Tester

    There's also a huge banning bug, sometimes people get banned for no reason. Many people are reporting being banned from every servers. Hopefully the next version will fix that !
    Noburu likes this.
  5. Burgerlolz

    Burgerlolz Builder Stabber

    It's the only post I saw about that bug, so I'll write there.
    Here is what happens, everytime my wifi (which kinda sucks) gets disconnected and I'm playing KAG, I get ban from the server I was on, as far as I know this can reproduce the bug.

    As it was said in an upper post, this is a Ping matter I guess.