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Banned from Official Euro Server

Discussion in 'General Help' started by Rhazak, Nov 4, 2011.

  1. Rhazak

    Rhazak Shipwright

    Name: Rhazak

    Had been playing the major part of the match defensively as builder, improving the bunkers and stuff, didn't grief or mess with any other players stuff, went knight as we were getting low on lives, last thing I did with my last life was throw a bunch of bombs in a pit full of blues then I died by an arrow or something. Spectated for maybe 2 minutes waiting for the game to end then poof get disconnected and it says I'm banned when I tried to rejoin.

    So I'd appreciate an explanation and unban.
  2. DutchKazuya

    DutchKazuya Shipwright

    Just to clarify:
    You said you threw bombs in a pit full of blues.
    A) Are you red? I sure hope so.
    B) Did you die before the bombs exploded? Because if you did the bombs change to some ''neutral'' state in which they kill both teams which means you might accidently have killed a teammate.
    Although I doubt the last thing was true because that means they have a reaction time of 2+ minutes.
  3. Rhazak

    Rhazak Shipwright

    Yes I was red, no I died after it exploded and I'm positive there were no team mates in the in the group I threw the bombs at. I'm unbanned now, thanks.
  4. Too high ping.
    Valkyrie likes this.
  5. DutchKazuya

    DutchKazuya Shipwright

    Probably a temp ban and as Ej said: ''Too high ping.''.
    Some servers temp ban you for 10 minutes if your ping is above a certain number because if it's too high the effect would be the same as a speedhack.